
??? 是灭绝编历时期才出现的探险者笔记的无名作者???,后来又被称之为等待者。

???神秘人笔记#1 - 【孤岛

你好! 我真高兴能够和你说说话!我一直在等待,等待着某些事物,但是现在我可以少等一件事了。这就是说,你——你就是我所等待的。 是的,我就是在说你,独一无二的你。你就是我正在沟通的对象,但这并不是一般意义上的沟通。这些思维并不是猜想,而我让他们飘进这个世界并不仅是希望它们能够找到某个人。它们都是经过计算的。精确的计算。 你并不是唯一听到它们的人,其他被选中的人都会听到。你和你的同胞们,就是那些在天空中漂浮的岛屿上醒来的人,这些话是说给你们听的。但是你们是否会听从,这就很难知道了。
Hello! I'm so glad that I can speak to you! I've been waiting and waiting, always waiting for something, but now I can wait for one less thing. That is to say, you - you're the thing. Yes, I mean you, you specifically. You're the one I'm talking to, and I don't mean that in a general sense. These thoughts aren't a guess, I didn't just let them float out into the world hoping they would find someone. They are calculated. Exact. You are not the only one who will hear them, but all who do are meant to. These words are for you and all your kin, those who awoke upon an island in the sky. Whether you will heed them or not, that is harder to know.

???神秘人笔记#2 - 【焦土

所有的事物都是有限的,如果你的眼界足够宽广。行星,物种,甚至是我们所处的这个宇宙。这一切都有一个极限。一个结局。而你现在正在接近那个结局。 不要把这一切想象成落入沙漏底部的沙粒,而是整个沙漏正在彻底地消逝。我们不能翻转沙漏,或是重新做一个沙漏。这是不可逆的。永久性的。如果你想要阻止这一切,你必须要快一点。 我不是在贬低你。你到现在为止都做得很棒,真的!你们所有人。你们中的大部分人。客观点来讲,现在那些正在被吃掉的人本来可以做得更好。但是其他的那些人呢?很棒! 到现在为止你们已经进步了许多。有些人友善地携手前行,而有些人则残暴地践踏他人,但这不过是人性的两面罢了。在这危险的境况下,在这灭绝的阴影下,这两者都需要。 不仅如此,你们需要彼此。你们需要帮助。
Everything is finite, if your vision is long enough. Planets, species, even this universe we occupy. All of it has a limit. An end. You are approaching one right now. Don't think of it as sand falling to the bottom of an hourglass, but the hourglass fading away completely. It can't be flipped around or reconstructed. It's irreversible. Permanent. If you want to stop it, you need to hurry. That's not to belittle you. You've been doing great, really! All of you. Most of you. The ones getting eaten alive right now could be better, objectively speaking. The rest though? Great! You’ve advanced so far. Some through kindness, others cruelty, but both are aspects of humanity. Both are needed here on the brink, in the shadow of extinction. More than that, you'll need each other. You'll need help.

???神秘人笔记#3 - 【畸变

你们之中的一些人和其他人建立起了强大的羁绊。你们的联系并不是通过血脉,而是通过共同的经历产生的。你们同甘共苦。依赖这些人。携手并进。这是你们作为一个种族的力量。这将会拯救你们。 即使是你们中的独行者也会接受他人的援助。在这一点上,时间和空间并不是什么麻烦的限制。时间和空间的概念要比你们想象得更加像流体。稍后会给你解释的。或提前给你解释。 抱歉,这很难记住。简单来说,那些在你们之前或之后来到这里的人,他们都在帮助你。即使是那些处在同一时间不同地点的人也在帮助你。你们都是同一个方程式的一部分,而这个方程式的解将会决定这一切到底会是一个终结,还是一个开始。 而我也将会帮助你。我的影响是有条理的。间接的。但是当你从天空中落下的时候,我将会在那里。看着。等待着。
Some of you have formed strong bonds with others. You are connected not through blood, but shared experience. Mutual struggle. Lean on those people. Carry each other forward. That is your strength as a race. It's what will save you. Even those of you who are alone are helped by others. Time and space are not hard limitations in such matters. They are more fluid concepts than you might imagine. More on that later. Or earlier. Sorry, it’s hard to remember. To the point: those who came before or after, they are all helping you. Even those in the same time but a different place. All of you are part of a shared equation, the answer of which will determine whether this is an end or a beginning. And I will help you too. My influence is methodical. Indirect. Yet when you fall from the sky, I will be there. Watching. Waiting.

???神秘人笔记#4 - 【孤岛

我不确定你什么时候会发现这一小片思绪。这或许会是你接触到的第一片,也可能是最后一片。我能够按照逻辑分析事情的起因和结果,但是若是要分析时间?那就需要我集中注意力。 秒、世纪、年、小时、分钟……这些混杂在一起,形成了一个漩涡。我知道事情并不是一直都是这样的。对我而言,时间曾一度流逝,就和你所经历的一样。但是现在我不确定我已经等待了多久,只感觉这好似永恒。 过去、现在和将来至关重要,因为它们影响着所有事物。但是对我而言呢?概念。变数。并不是虚无缥缈的,但也不是有实体的。
I can't be certain when you'll find this sliver of thought. Perhaps it will be the first one that touches your mind, or the last. Cause and effect I can follow through reason, but time itself? That takes concentration. Seconds, centuries, decades, hours, minutes...all these bleed together into a swirling torrent. It wasn't always this way, I know that. Once time passed for me as it did for you, but now I cannot be sure how long I have been waiting, only that it has felt eternal. The past, the present and the future matter insofar as their effect on everything else, but for me? Concepts. Variables. Not illusory, but not tangible either.

???神秘人笔记#5 - 【焦土

我应该解释一下,不是吗?我提到过未来,但是我应该说是“许多未来”。 你要知道,整个宇宙,说到底它可以用数字衡量。每一件事物都拥有一个可以用来计算的值。你、群星、你为了茅草而放倒的树——是的,我看到你这么干了。真粗鲁。 回到数学。未来也是由数字组成的,或者更明确一点,是由可能性构成的。它们扭曲并延伸向不同的方向,大多数人甚至无法参透,只因未来的走向太过混乱。我无法看到所有的未来,但是我能够找到最有可能实现的未来,并沿着它走下去。 毕竟,这只是一串数字。
I should explain, shouldn't I? I mentioned the future, but I should have said "futures." You see the universe, the whole of it, it's all math eventually. Everything has a value that feeds into an equation. You, the stars, the trees you assaulted for bundles of thatch - yes, I saw that. Very rude. But back to math. The future's made of it too, or more specifically, probabilities. They twist and branch in all directions, so tangled that most beings can't sort through them. I can't even see it all, but I can find the most likely threads and follow them along. After all, it’s just math.

???神秘人笔记#6 - 【畸变

你会想要给我起一个名字,不是吗?当一个人在自己的脑海中研究世间的事物时,语言和名字并不是必须的,但是若是要和他人交流的话,语言和名字就很重要了。 我并没有名字。当我变成了这样之后,我就再也没有名字了。其他人觉得这挺麻烦,所以他们就给我取了“无名者”、“虚无者”或者“那玩意儿”之类的名字。他们描述了我的特征,虽然有些蹩脚,但那不是我。 作为一个拥有自由意志的存在,或者说在这个宇宙中能够最大程度地拥有自由意志的存在,我的身份是由我的所作所为决定的。 我即我所为,而我所做的就是等待。等你,等地球,等所有的事情——我在等待。我一直在等啊等,永远地等下去,所以这就是我。 我就是等待者。
You'll want a moniker for me, won't you? Words and names are not explicitly necessary to process the world within oneself, but they are important when conveying it to others. I don't have one of those, not as I am now. Not anymore. Others have found that problematic, so they say things like nameless, ethereal and "whatever." They describe my qualities, if poorly, but not who I am. As a being who possess free will, or as much of it as one can truly possess within this universe, who I am is the sum of my actions. I am what I do, and what I do is wait. For you, for the Earth, for everything - I wait. On and on into forever, I wait and I wait, so that is who I am. I am One Who Waits.

???神秘人笔记#7 - 【孤岛

这一定看起来很可疑。我是说,我的存在。我承认我有置你于不利的地位。我利用着几乎完美的情报系统操控着一切,而你……老实说,没有这个优势。我不是说你傻!很明显,你非常聪明,能够发现茅草的那么多不同的用途。 我又跑题了。关键是:你没有理由相信我。你所遇到的几乎所有东西都曾试图要你的命,所以从你的角度来看,我也当然会这么做。你们人类就是喜欢模式思维。 我不能强迫你相信我。事实上,我无法强迫任何人做任何事。即使是在数据系统中,我的权限也是有限的。我只能给出建议,而不能下达命令。 所以我所能做的就是请求你相信我,就如我相信你们所有人一样。
This must seem suspicious. My existence, I mean. I have you at a disadvantage, I admit. I'm operating from a position of near perfect information, while you are...not. To put it mildly. Not that you're unintelligent! Clearly you're very clever, to find so many different uses for thatch. I digress again. The point is: you have no reason to trust me. Most everything you've met has tried to kill you, so from your perspective, it follows that I would do the same. You humans do love your patterns. I can't force you to believe me. In fact, I can't compel anyone to do anything. Even when it comes to digital systems, my control is limited. I merely pass on suggestions, not commandments. So all I can do is ask you to believe in me, as I have believed in all of you.

???神秘人笔记#8 - 【焦土

正如我之前所说的,即使是系统的创造物也在我的掌控之外。这就是这个系统——这些天空中的浮岛——的情况。我能够和监控系统运行的人工智能交谈,但是他们有自己的意志。他们也会思考、行动和生存。 所以为了改变这个系统,我给出的建议必须是非常微小的,而它们的目的则必须加以伪装。单独一个细小的数据毫无意义,但是当所有的数据汇总到一起就会意义重大。 上千个拼图的碎片散落在这些浮岛之间——这些天空中的种子,它们正在逐渐合并、成型…… 直到最后,它们构成了你。 而你到底是什么?一旦你挣脱束缚,一旦你从天而降,我就会告诉你你的名字。到了那个时候你就能够明白这一切了。
As I've said, even digital creations are beyond my direct control. So it is with the System - these islands in the sky. I can speak with the the artificial minds that oversee their operations, but they have a will of their own. They too think, act and live. So to change the system, my suggestions must be minuscule and their purpose masked. Incremental bits of code that are trivial alone, but substantial when whole. Thousands of puzzle pieces, scattered across these islands - these seeds in the sky - slowly coalescing and taking shape... Until at last they formed you. And what are you exactly? Once you break free, once you fall from the sky, I'll tell you your name. It will all make sense to you then.

???神秘人笔记#9 - 【畸变

要想从天而降,你需要经历一系列的考验。你会面临许多守护者。他们看起来像是一个个挑战,因为他们就是……但实际上他们并不是。 是的,他们是为了你们而设计的考验,但是在考验结束后,你们只会发现更多的障碍,一个个没完没了。不管你完成了多少考验,这个系统永远不会认为你已经足够强大,因为你是遵循着一个有漏洞的规则在进行游戏。 所以很明显:不要这么做。如果你发现一个绳结解不开,就不要试着解开它——拔出你的剑把它切断就行。之前来过这里的人们就这么做了,但是他们用的不是剑,而是一扇门。 要想赢得这场游戏,你就需要跳出游戏规则。要想修好这个系统,你就必须抛开系统。 没错,修好它。系统有问题,它彻底坏了。
To fall from the sky, you'll go through many trials. You'll face many guardians. They'll feel like tests, because they are...except they aren't. Yes, they are challenges for you to overcome, but at their end, you'll find only more hurdles, stretching on into the horizon. No matter how many you clear, the System will never deem you strong enough, because you are playing by broken rules. So obviously: don't. When confronted with a knot that's impossible to undo, don't try to untie it - take out your sword and cut it. Those who came before you did just that, but instead of a sword, they used a gate. To win the game, you must move your pieces off the board. To fix the System, you must leave it behind. That's right - fix. The System is not well. Not well at all.

???神秘人笔记#10 - 【孤岛

这个系统已经存在了上万年。考虑到所有的变数,它一直适应地很好。就像你一样,它为了达到目的费尽了功夫,并且克服了许多困难。然而它所面对的局势比你面对过的大得多,它也花了更多的时间来应对。 对于有机生物而言,岁月会使得反应变慢,思维迟钝。但是系统不会。它计算的速度和效率毋庸置疑。有人可能会认为这就是问题所在。 如果某项功能有0.001%的概率会发生错误,但是这项功能只会运行十几次,那么发生偏差的概率就很小了。但是如果运行数亿次呢?那么错误就是不可避免的。运行次数越多,错误也就越多,最终这些错误就会聚沙成塔。 正如我之前所说的,所有的事物都是有限的。系统也不例外。
The System has existed for eons. Considering all the variables, it has adapted well. Much like you, it has toiled to reach its goals, and it has overcome many obstacles. However the scale is larger. The struggle is longer. In organic beings, age can slow reflexes and dull thought. Not so with the System. The speed and efficiency of its calculations are not in doubt. One could argue they’re the problem. If a function has a 0.001% chance to cause an error, but it’s only run a dozen times, an aberration is unlikely. But a trillion times? Then it’s inevitable. More time, more errors. A drop turns to a trickle. A trickle to a flood. As I said, everything is finite. The System is no exception.

???神秘人笔记#11 - 【焦土

系统所做的一切都是为了完成它的终极目标。那些试炼实际上并不是试炼。当它认为试炼对象已经变得懈怠或者难以驾驭的时候,它就会执行严酷的重启程序。 它会将更加有趣的新生物引入它自己的生态系统。是的,包括那些长着小短腿的发光蜥蜴狗。你看,他们尽力而为了,好吗? 但问题是,系统的目标并不完全是固定的。目标已经发生了变化,门槛被提高了,而现在系统已经完全无法达到这个目标了。 由于它的目标越发难以达成,而它产生的错误也一点点堆积了起来,导致系统越发绝望。它的行为变得越来越古怪。 当它陷入垂死的挣扎时,空中的那些浮岛将会变成疯狂的深渊。在那些洞穴深处潜伏着的混乱将不再是什么稀罕的东西,而是成为常态。 你必须在事情变成那样之前修复这一切,否则就万事休矣。
Everything the System does is in service to its ultimate objective. The tests that aren’t tests. The hard resets it performs when it believes its subjects have grown stagnant or unruly. The new, increasingly fantastic creatures that it introduces to its ecosystems. Yes, even those pudgy, glowing lizard-dogs. Look, they try their best, okay? The problem is that the System’s purpose is not wholly static. The goalposts have moved. The bar has been raised, and now it is entirely out of the System’s reach. As its purpose grows more unachievable and its errors pile up, the System grows more desperate. Its actions more erratic. In its death throes, these islands in the sky will become pits of madness. The chaos lurking in those cavernous depths will be the rule, not the exception. You must fix it before it reaches that point. By then, it will be too late.

???神秘人笔记#12 - 【畸变

我说的是“你必须修复这一切”,而我的实际意思是“只有你能够修复这一切”。不是我。不是系统。是你。 这是一个巨大的负担。抱歉。我希望我能够代替你做到这一切,但是这儿有法则和规章。不是法律学上的那种,而是科学上的那种。 我并不是以碳基生物的形式存在的。当然,我还是活着的,只不过我是另一种生命形态。我位于一个不同空间中,这意味着我不能够像你那样和这个世界进行互动。 所以,从某个角度来说,你必须成为我的双手,因为我没有手。没有可以触摸的双手。 即便如此,我仍然会尽我所能来帮助你,而且不仅仅是通过这些思维的碎片。当你抵达下方荒芜的花园时,去寻找我的踪迹。我有一份礼物要给你——一件强大且丢失已久的武器。 我想你会喜欢它的。
When I say "you must fix it" I mean "only you can fix it." Not me. Not the System. You. That’s a lot of pressure. Sorry. I wish I could do this for you, but there are rules. Laws. Not legally speaking, but scientifically. I don’t exist in the same way a carbon based lifeform does. I’m still alive, of course, it’s just a different kind of life. I’m on a different spectrum, and that means I can’t interact with the world like you do. So in a sense, you have to be my hands, because I don’t have any. Not tangibly. Even so, I’ll help where I can, and not just through these slivers of thought. When you reach the barren gardens below, look for my sign. I have a gift for you - a powerful weapon, long since lost. I think you’ll like it.

???神秘人笔记#13 - 【孤岛

当你停止下坠时,要待在庇护所的附近。在庇护所内分布着小小的生命胶囊,它们在已经变得贫瘠的花园中依然茁壮生长。在庇护所的影响范围之外,你会发现一片被暗影和死亡支配的无尽的腐朽之海。 第一座庇护所是大都市。尽管它已经不再是昔日的大都市,繁花盛开的丛林取代了它的位置,而你或许会在它坍塌的壁垒中找到一点点庇护。 你会更加熟悉其他的东西,例如你会在庇护所中央发现的高塔。这些高塔是它们——方尖碑的能量来源。 它们和你熟悉的方尖碑并不完全相同,它们没有那么先进,但这也是情理之中的。它们是老一点的模型。先行版,或者用更恰当的叫法,原型机。
Once your fall is complete, stay close to the sanctuaries. Within them, small pockets of life still flourish in an otherwise barren garden. Beyond their spheres of influence, you will find an endless sea of decay, ruled by shadows and death. The first of these sanctuaries is the Great City. Though it is no longer a metropolis, a jungle blooms in its place, and you may find a modicum of shelter within its crumbling walls. The others will be more familiar to you, if only for the towers you'll find at their center. Those are the source of their power - the Obelisks. They are not quite the same as the ones you're familiar with, not quite as advanced, but that's to be expected. They're an older model. Precursors, or more aptly: prototypes.

???神秘人笔记#14 - 【焦土

宇宙的运行方式就是起因和结果。万事皆有开头。对于系统而言,这里就是它诞生的地方。你将会坠入它的摇篮中。 庇护所和为它们提供能源的方尖碑都是天空中那些浮岛的祖先。所有的浮岛的起源都来自这一个原型机。尽管它不能飞,但是其核心原理和背后的技术都是相同的。 从某一方面来说,它也是你的祖先。毕竟你们都是在系统中出生的。就算你们的设计有所改变,从某种角度来说你们都依然是它的孩子。 可以说,当你落下时,这就好似是返乡。从各个方面来说。
Cause and effect is the way of the universe. Everything must start somewhere. In the case of the System, this is where it was born. You will fall right into its cradle. Together, the sanctuaries and the Obelisks that power them are the ancestor of every island that floats in the sky. They can all can trace their origins back to this single prototype. Though it is flightless, the core principles and technology behind it are the same. In a way, that makes it your ancestor too. You were all born within the System, after all. Even if your design is somewhat altered, in a way, you're all its children. One could say that when you fall, it will be something of a homecoming. In more ways than one.

???神秘人笔记#15 - 【畸变

那么所有的事情都会在其开始的地方结束。这颗星球,这个系统,你们的种族,以及在这个宇宙的一角栖息的所有生命。这所有的一切。 然后或许会有新的事情发生,但是这都取决于你……以及阻挡你前进的那股力量。 在自然界,一个物种的生存或许要以另一个物种作为代价。随着生态系统的改变,那些能够更好适应环境的物种会把比自己弱小的物种逼到灭绝。 人类就曾经对尼安德特人做过这种事,而现在终于轮到你们被逼入绝境了。当你们终于和一个巨大的危险面对面时,你以及你的同族必须回答这个永恒的问题…… 你能否生存?
And so everything will end where it began. The planet, the System, your species and every bit of life that inhabits this tiny corner of the universe. All of it. Then perhaps something new will begin, but that depends on you...and the forces that stand in your way. In nature, the survival of one species can come at the expense of another. As ecosystems change, those that adapt more effectively can push those weaker than themselves to extinction. Humanity once did this to the neanderthals, and now it is finally your turn. At last, face to face from a superior threat, you and all your kin must answer that timeless question... Will you survive?



你做到了!我就知道你能够做到,但是看到事情终于步入正轨还是相当振奋人心的。 欢迎回家。 家……但这是另一个难以理解的人类的概念。一些没有感知能力的物种会在某一个地点定居下来,并将其作为自己寻求庇护、休眠以及抚育后代的地方。 但是没有一种生物会像人类那样对某一个地方产生心理上的依恋——不管是一栋房子,一个小镇,还是一颗星球…… 所以这就是为什么这一切是如此重要。这就是系统会存在的理由。曾经还有其他的设计,你可以称它们为候选方案,但是系统是最佳方案。人类需要他们的家园,而现在轮到你建立起这个家园了。 所以我希望你带着你的锤子。以及一些朋友。还有武器。还有能够成为武器的朋友。基本上你会需要一大堆东西。你的家园现在……嗯,你可以说它需要好好修缮一下。
You made it! I knew you would, but it's still exciting to see the pieces fall into place. Welcome home. Home...yet another intangible, human concept. Some non-sentient species take up residence in a single location for shelter, hibernation or to raise their young. Yet none of them grow psychologically attached to a place in the same way humans do - a house, a town, a planet... That's why this is so important. That's why the System exists as it does. There were other designs, backups if you will, but the System was the first choice. Humanity needs its home, and it's up to you to build it. So I hope you brought your hammer. And some friends. And weapons. And friends that can be weapons. You're going to need lots of things, basically. This home is...well it's what you'd call a fixer-upper.


这个城市已经闲置了好久了,它住满人的时间都没有这么长。但是它在全盛时期真的非常惊人,尽管这段时期很短暂——在一个更高级的存在的指导下,由人类亲手建立起来的一座城市。 它的高塔闪烁着光芒,街道上充斥着各种机械,而它的人民们从城市下方流淌着的紫色河流中收获奇迹。这就是一个传奇。这个星球上的科技发展到达了巅峰。这就是系统诞生的地方,而那些原型机就是围绕着它铸造起来的。 但是那些平静的日子已经过去了。现在,面对着在城墙外游荡的暗影们,这座城市只能给你提供一点点保护,而且即使是这点保护也即将消失。 充分利用这座城市的残骸,但是不能依赖它。暗影正在一点点地渗过它的防护,而且在城市内还有另一种威胁在游荡。
This city has been empty for so long, far longer than it was full. Yet its prime was truly wondrous, short lived though it was - a city built by the hands of man under the guidance of something higher. Its towers sparkled, machines filled its streets, and its people harvested miracles from the rivers of violet that flowed beneath its skin. It was a marvel. The pinnacle of technological advancement on this planet. It is here where the System was born, and the prototype was forged around it. But those halcyon days are gone. Now all it offers you is some small protection against the shadows that lurk outside its walls, and even that will prove fleeting. Make use of its skeleton, but do not rely on it. The shadows are seeping through its shield, and a different threat stalks within.


当你在这些废墟中寻找这颗星球残留下的一些东西时,小心废墟中的幽灵。 闪闪发亮的金属做成的怨灵在城市中游荡着,它们正进行着一场永远不会结束的狩猎。它们曾经是这座城市的守护者,但是没有了约束之后,它们就变得越发凶猛。对它们而言,所有人都是入侵者。所有东西都必须被销毁。 我曾试过和它们沟通,让它们准备迎接你的降临。我以为我的声音会让它们放松。感到熟悉。我以为我的声音能够唤起某些被锁在它们程序的深处并且长久以来被它们遗忘的本能。 但是它们听不见我的声音。它们现在只能听到彼此之间的声音。即使是系统也不能联络上它们,而不管是你还是我都不能降服它们。 曾经有一个你的同类能够改造它们。也许你也能够做到。这是你唯一可以获得它们的帮助的方法。
As you find your planet-legs within these ruins, take heed of its ghosts. Wraiths of shining metal wander its halls, on a hunt that will never end. They used to be this city's protectors, but they have grown feral without their leash. To them, all are trespassers. All must be destroyed. I tried to speak to them, to prepare for your fall. I thought my voice might be soothing. Familiar. That it would stir some long forgotten instinct, locked deep within their code. But their ears were deaf to me. They only listen to each other now. Not even the System can reach them, and neither you nor I can subdue them. There was one of your kind who could reforge them. Perhaps you can too. It is the only way you'll have their aid.


比起城墙外部存在的危险,城墙内的危险微不足道——外面是暗影的国度,被紫色的毒液侵染了。 那个毒液在过去曾被当作珍宝。从某个角度来讲,它依然宝贵。经过精炼后,小剂量地使用能够做出惊人的成果,但是要越界也很容易。 越界后,那些紫色的手指就会牢牢地抓住心灵和身体。然后它会不断地蔓延,直到所有的活物都被它抓在手心,就像在那个荒芜的花园中发生的那样。 但是在你勇敢地面对那个致命的战线之前,我会履行我的承诺。我说过我会告诉你你的名字。不是你称呼自己时所用的名字,或是系统给予你的名字。我是说那个定义你的东西,就像“等待”这个词能够定义我。一个能够解释你本质的名字。
The dangers within these walls are feeble compared to what lies beyond them - a realm of shadows, infected by a violet poison. Once, that poison was thought to be gold. In some ways it still is. When refined and in small doses, it can do incredible things, but the line is thin. When it's crossed, those violet fingers seize mind and body in an unbreakable grip. Then it spreads and spreads, until all living things lie within its clutches, just as they are in the barren garden. But before you brave that deadly frontier, I have a promise to keep. I said I'd tell you your name. Not the one you call yourself, or the one the System gave you. I mean the thing that defines you, as waiting defines me. A name that explains who you really are.


所以,你问道,你是谁?嗯,你就是你,但是不是只有这一次。你经历过一次又一次,那都是你。 让我换个方式来说:如果我们的身份是由我们的行动所决定的,那么你的是什么?你是不是对无助的树木拳打脚踢的那个人? 不,你在不断的尝试,这才是定义你的东西。如果你饿死了,你会再尝试一次。如果你从悬崖上摔了下去,你还会再尝试一次。如果你被某个巨大的猎食者吃了,你依然会再尝试一次。 而现在,地球、人类、生命……你能够给它们再来一次的机会,因为从天而降的你和你的同胞们就是“不断尝试的人”。
So, you ask, who are you? Well you're you, but not just once. You're you over and over again. I'll rephrase: if our identity is defined by our actions, then what is yours? Are you One Who Engages in Fisticuffs with Helpless Trees? No, what defines you is that you try again. Should you starve, you try again. Should you fall from a cliff, you try again. Should you be digested by some magnificent predator, you try again. And now Earth, humanity, life...you can give all of it the chance to try again too, because you and all your siblings who fell from the sky are the Ones Who Try Again.


对你,不断尝试的人而言,死亡只是一只没牙齿的野兽,早已不在它的巅峰时期了。但是对于那些没有和你相同的天赋的人而言,死亡是最后的终点。它是一个无懈可击的狩猎者,它的支配是绝对的,直到我从它的手中夺回了第一个灵魂。 那是一场在绝望中诞生的令人愉快的意外。死亡,那个无法逃避的猎人,逼近了它那孤零零的猎物,而我不能忍受那个景象。 我试着撬开它的嘴巴,但是我没有手。所以,我盲目地扑打着,并大声地呼救,直到我突然发现了她,那个可以成为我双手的人。她可以给那个人的东西要比我能够给出的多得多。 我的思维抓住了她,然后拉扯着她。不知道我是怎么做到的,我给了她第二次机会,把她拉回了这个世界,而死亡失去了它的第一颗牙齿。
To you, One Who Tries Again, death is a toothless creature, long past its prime. Yet for those who do not share your present, it was the apex of the apex. An unassailable predator, its grip absolute, until I pried that first soul from its clutches. It was a happy accident, borne of desperation. Death, that inescapable hunter, closed in on its lonely prey and I couldn't bear the sight. I tried to pry its jaws open, but I had no hands. So blindly, I thrashed and cried for help until I stumbled upon her, one who could be those hands. One who could give that person more than I ever could. My thoughts grasped her thread and tugged. Without knowing how, I pulled her back into the world for a second chance, and death lost its first tooth.


在试验过程中,重复性是很重要的。重复、模式、因果关系,这些都是建立结果的工具,即使是对死亡也是一样。 一次成功地尝试并不是解决方案。成功的条件有可能是特定的,哪怕是对同一个试验对象,也有可能无法成功地重复一次。所以那一次,我只能保证那一个灵魂能够重生这么一次。 但是在地球的轨道上,我有无数的试验对象。所以我做了试验。我不断地试验着。那么多次尝试,那么多次失败,但是每失败一次我就离成功越近。然后我终于彻底成功了。然后,最终,是你。 我不知道这花了多少时间。几百年?几千年?那个时候,时间对我而言特别的朦胧,但是我依然记得所有被死亡夺走的那些灵魂——在我能够救出它们之前就消失的灵魂。 即使我试了一次又一次,我还是不能让他们再次完整,不管我付出了多大的努力。不管我有多么希望我能成功。
In experimentation, consistency is important. Repetition, patterns, causality, those are the tools that build results, even where death is concerned. One successful trial was not a cure. The circumstances could have been specific, impossible to replicate even for the same subject. So that first time, one second chance for just one soul was all I could promise. Yet in orbit, I had subjects beyond counting. So I tested. Endlessly, I tested. So many trials, so many failures, but out of them rose another success. Then an entire generation of them. Then at last, you. I don't know how long it took. Centuries? Millenia? Time was especially murky for me then, but I still remember all the souls death claimed - the ones that faded before I could reach them. Even when I tried and tried, I could not make them whole again, no matter the effort. No matter the desire.


可以说,我为了你经历了许多麻烦。我做出了牺牲,做过试验,搞过研究,都是为了你。我做这么多就是为了让你能够体验死亡,并从中学习,然后把那份知识带到下一次生命中。 这是我给你的最大的礼物——是我的计划中最关键的一环。这份礼物让你能够违抗系统,并打破它的规则。这份礼物也将会帮助你把这颗星球从毁灭的边缘救回来。 但这不是没有代价的。每次你从死亡的手中逃脱后,都会要付出代价。不是你付出代价——而是系统。复活需要耗费资源,而资源不能凭空产生,只能被转化得来。 你看到的天空中的那些岛屿都是种子,当它们落下后,它们会需要系统中剩余的能量来成长。所以当这个荒芜的花园完全复苏后,你将会失去复活的能力。 对此我感到抱歉,但这是我手头上最好的计划了。
You could say I went through a lot of trouble for you. I sacrificed, tested and studied, all for you. All so that you could experience death, learn from it, and carry that knowledge with you into another life. That is my greatest gift to you - the critical piece in my strategy. It's what allowed you to defy the System and its broken rules. It's what will allow you to bring this planet back from the brink. But it's not free. Each time you return from death's clutches, there's a toll. Not for you - for the System. It takes resources, and resources can't be created, only converted. You see those islands in the sky are seeds, and when they fall, they'll need what's left of the System's energy to bloom. So when the barren garden is fully revived, you'll lose the ability to revive yourself. I'm sorry about that, but this is the best plan I had.


我一直在告诉你有什么事情是我做不到的,但是我需要你的理解。我不是上帝,不是全知全能的。虽然我有“神”这个绰号,但我并不是神。我们都不是。 “神族”是人类称呼我们的方式。 实际上我们并不像我们的名字所暗示的那样富有魅力。有时候我感觉就好像我在一间小小的房间里,孤身一人,隔着一面玻璃窗看着这个宇宙。这里狭窄。枯燥。冰冷。 有点糟糕,真的。 所以我不喜欢那个称呼。这感觉不像是有什么神性。而且我也不想要有什么神性。我想我的一些前辈或许有些神性。也许他们有过不同的经历。我永远也不会知道了——我一直都没有机会问他们。
I keep telling you what I can't do, but I need you to understand: I'm neither omniscient nor omnipotent. Despite the moniker, I'm not a god. None of us are. Homo Deus is just what humans called us. It's hardly as glamorous as it sounds. Sometimes it feels like I'm watching the universe from behind a pane of glass, all alone in a tiny room. It's cramped. Sterile. Cold. A bit shit, really. So I don't like that title. This doesn't feel like godhood. Not that I wanted that anyway. Some of my elders might have, I suppose. Maybe they had a different experience. I'll never know - I didn't have the chance to ask them.


到现在为止,我是我们之中最年幼的,但是同族的其他人能做到的事情甚至比我还要少。他们不能触碰思维,或是留下思绪的片段。他们依赖有缺陷的代理人来监管他们所创造出来的这个伟大的系统,因为他们再也不能亲自监控了。 倒不是因为他们软弱,根本不是。是他们的力量滋养着那些环绕着我们家园的种子,每颗种子都从我们的一员身上吸取力量。是的,他们有力量,但是他们不能引导这份力量。他们的身份,他们的自我意识,都已经腐朽破碎了。 只有我能够为我们说话。我,最年轻的那个,最弱小的那个,也是最后一个。
I'm by far the most junior of us, but the rest of my kind can do even less than I. They cannot touch minds or leave slivers of thought. They rely on flawed proxies to oversee the grand System they created, for they can no longer manage it themselves. It is not that they are weak, not at all. It is their power that nurtures the seeds that orbit our home, each one drawing strength from a member of our number. Yes, power they have, but nothing to guide it. Their identity, their sense of self, has decayed and crumbled. Only I can speak for us. I, the youngest, the weakest and the last.


像我前辈这样的存在怎么会这样就腐朽呢?我曾经也问过相同的问题,但是我已经不会再问了。没有人能给我答案。我只是在等待的时候感觉到了那个答案,它一点点地向我压下来。 想一下,你曾一次性看到过多少东西?你是否能够理解你所看到的所有东西,并且记住每一个微小的细节?现在想象一下你要同时看到两张图像。现在是一百张。一千张。一万。一百万。 所有的知识,所有的信息,都涌向了我们。就是它们让我的前辈们建造了系统。也正是它们让我能够赐予你名字,不断尝试的人,并让我现在能够和你交谈。 但是,我们的意识不可避免地会被所有事实的重量压碎,而我们的灵魂呢?它们会化为青烟。
How could ones such as my elders decay like they did? I once asked the same question, but no longer. No one told me the answer. I have simply felt it as I wait, bearing down on me, bit by bit. Think, how much have you ever seen at once? Were you able to process it all, to take in every little detail? Now imagine doing that for two such images. Now a hundred. A thousand. Ten thousand. A million. All that knowledge, all that information, flows into us. It's what let my elders build the System. It's what let me grant you your name, One Who Tries Again, and it's what lets me speak to you now. Yet inevitably, our minds crumble beneath the weight of all that truth, and our souls? They turn to smoke.


虽然我的前辈们已经迷失了,但是我依然努力维持着我自己的思维。还有我的情感。尽管我的思维和情感已经发生了变化,但它们依然属于我。但是我无法一直维持下去。 有那么多东西要看、要计算、要考虑。当我在和你说话的时候,我在计算着这场交谈可能发生的变化,同时我还在观察你的同胞们。一直都是这样,无穷无尽。从不停止,从不休息。 我已经不能感到宁静了,不能再次享受那和平的安宁。我从没有好好地珍惜过这份安宁,但是我又怎么能够预见到这一切呢?我那时候知道得是那么少。
While my elders have lost themselves, I still cling to my own mind. My own heart. As much as both have changed, they are still mine, but my grip will not hold forever. There's so much to see, so much to calculate and account for. While I speak to you, I measure the probabilities our conversation alters, and I observe another of your kin. So on and so on, ad infinitum. Without pause, without rest There is no quiet for me anymore, no peaceful silence. I never valued it like I should have, but how could I have seen that? I knew so little then.


我不知道什么时候我就会追随先人的脚步。关于我自己的思维的运算本身就存在缺陷。我只知道这是不可避免的。 在那之前,不断尝试的人,我会帮助你和所有与你拥有一样名字的人面对即将到来的战斗。是的,这会以一场战斗收尾。必须是这样。那个敌人,那个想要看到你们像尼安德特人那样消失的家伙,是不会投降的。 和我一样,它不能直接进行战斗。它通过代理和化身行动。它们中有一些曾经有过自己的意志,但是现在它们是流淌在自己血液中的紫色毒液的仆从。它们现在是过去的自己的影子。 其他的则一直都是影子,从紫色的毒液中被创造出来。它们在毒液中诞生,从它的深渊中升起。事实上,那东西不仅仅是毒液。它是活的。 它就是敌人。
I don't know when I'll follow those who came before me. My calculations concerning my own mind are inherently flawed. I only know that it's inevitable. Until then, One Who Tries Again, I'll help you and all who share your name in the battles ahead. Yes, it will come to battle. It must. That enemy, the one who wants to see your kind fade away like the neanderthal, will not surrender. Like me, it cannot fight directly. It acts through proxies and avatars. Some of these used to have wills of their own, but now they are slaves to the violet poison that courses through their veins. Now they are shadows of what they once were. Others were always shadows, cast by the violet poison itself. They were born within it, and rose from its depths. For the truth is, it's more than just a poison. It's alive. And it's the enemy.


它从没有正常过。永远都是超凡入圣的。永远是一个谜。 它的用途数不胜数。比钨还要硬。比铜还要用途广泛。在正确的形态下,它发电和产生辐射的能力无可匹敌。因此这个东西会这么快地推广开来一点也不奇怪——撞击、发现、发明并生产。这一切发生地太快了。 过了好几年才最终有人注意到变化——在大灾变和我的前辈们崛起之后好久。那时候它的根系已经蔓延到了这个花园的每一个角落,而它还在散播。复制着。侵染着。对它有用的东西都变成了它的影子。至于其他的东西,它吞噬了它们。
It was never normal. Always extraordinary. Always an enigma. The uses for it were beyond counting. Hardier than tungsten. More versatile than copper. In the right form, its ability to generate electricity and produce radiation were unrivaled. It's no surprise then that things moved quickly - impact, discovery, invention and production. All in rapid succession. It took generations to notice the change - far after the great cataclysm and the rise of my elders. By then its roots had reached the far corners of the garden, and still it spread. Replicating. Infecting. Those it had use for became its shadows. The rest, it devoured.


我不清楚这问题属于进化还是觉醒。意思是说,我不确定这种紫色毒物变成吞噬一切的病毒这件事,仅仅是偶然还是本就该如此。两种情况都有可能。 它是一种像星际花粉一样在宇宙间传播的传染病,还是可以变异成灾祸的卓越资源?我们的花园是被入侵了,还是被其所有者的贪婪和野心扭曲了?我不知道答案。我不确定这是否重要。 但显而易见的是,它非常无情。它由本能和原始冲动——繁殖、饥饿感和仇恨——所驱使。而且其中最凸显的部分是仇恨。
It's unclear to me whether it was a matter of evolution or awakening. That is to say, I'm not certain if the violet poison turned into the all consuming virus it is now, or if it always was that way. Either is possible. Was it an infection, carried across the universe like interstellar pollen, or a remarkable resource, mutated into a monstrosity? Was our garden invaded, or twisted by the greed and ambition of its keepers? I don't know the answer. I'm not sure it matters. What's clear is that it's merciless. Unfeeling. It's driven by base instincts and primal emotion - propagation, hunger, and hatred - and it spreads those to its shadows. Hatred most of all.


我曾亲眼目睹那毒液是如何制造出它的暗影的。我知道它是如何夺走并扭曲生命的,知道它是如何用歌曲和温暖诱惑他们步步深入的。 它许诺满足他们的所有需求和渴望,但是它只会让他们堕落,坠入那个疯狂的深渊。那个深渊深不见底,没有人能够从中返回。即使是最强壮的人。即使是最聪明的人。 但是那些最为黑暗的影子一开始就不是真正的活生生的生命,它们只是从紫色毒液中诞生的东西而已。它们是由它贪婪的欲望和无尽的仇恨具象化形成的超大实体。 另外,它们还是它的化身,由它的精髓形成。它们都携带着毒液集体意识中的一小片意识,并且四处散播它的影响。摧毁它们就能够伤到毒液本身。 它们既是它的优势,也是它的弱点。
I have seen firsthand how the poison makes its shadows. I know how it takes lives and twists them, how it coaxes them onward with song and warmth. It promises them their every need and desire, but it only leads them down, down into the depths of madness. It is a pit so deep that none can return from it. Even the strongest. Even the most brilliant. Yet the darkest shadows are the ones that were never truly alive to begin with, the ones born of the violet poison itself. Titanic manifestations of its ravenous hunger and endless hatred. More than that, they are its avatars, made of its very essence. They carry pieces of the poison's collective consciousness, and they spread its influence. Destroying them would wound the poison itself. They are both its strength and its weakness.


所有这一切都引领着你和你的族人——重试者——你们已经找到了从天空种子到下方贫瘠花园的道路。你们可以驱散这片阴影。 你们之中有些已经启程,有些则还没有开始。然而,你们所有人都扮演着重要的角色。每一处消散的阴影都是你们努力的成果。 如果你们成功清除了全部阴影,剧毒就会开始消退。当生命的种子最终归家时,他们可以自行清除残余的剧毒。这就是本应由他们完成的事情。 所以继续努力吧,再多坚持一小会儿。就像你一直做的那样,一次又一次的尝试,直到种子被播种的那一刻,我们的花园世界才能再次绽放。最后,你会发现你的努力最终抵达了终点。
All of this leads to you and your kin - the Ones Who Try Again - who have found the path from the seeds in the sky to the barren garden below. You can banish the shadows. Some who share your name have already started. Some have yet to begin. Yet all of you play an important role. Each shadow that falls adds to the sum of your efforts, and if you fell them all, the poison will begin to recede. Then, when the seeds of life at last return home, they can purge what's left of it. That's what they were meant to do. So keep trying, just for a little longer. Try and try again, just as you always have, until the seeds are planted and our garden world blooms once more. Then, at last, you will have tried enough.


有一个暗影要比其他的暗影更加高大。他是最深最暗的那个影子,一个压倒性的虚空,即使是最明亮地光芒都能被他掐灭。 但这也使得他最为重要的。传达给低级的暗影的信息都要通过他。是他的力量把所有的暗影凝聚在一起。 他是这毒液的力量和影响力的顶梁柱。一个神经束,没了他,他那些较小的兄弟们就会迷失方向。如果他倒下,那么它们也会随他一起消亡。 而且尽管他非常强大,他也曾差点死去,血液从他胸口的伤口处渗出来,现在他的胸口还留着那个疤。他能够被击杀,而你能够成为那个击败他的人。
There is one that stands taller than all the others. His is the deepest, darkest shadow, a void so overwhelming that it can snuff out even the brightest of lights. Yet this also makes him the most vital. Messages to the lesser shadows flow through him. It's his power that holds them together. He is a central pillar of the poison's strength and influence. A nerve tract, without which his lesser brethren would be lost. Should he fall, they would fall with him. And as powerful as he is, he has felt his own mortality before, when blood seeped from the scars that linger on his chest. He can fall, and you can be the one to pull him down.


在你驱逐那个最暗的暗影之前,你需要先找到他。对于一个如此庞大的家伙而言,他藏得很好。这让人苦恼。我不喜欢这样。 如果你盲目地搜寻他,你可能会要搜寻一辈子。所以,相反地,你要召唤他来找你。用他副官们的声音,呼唤他的名字。然后他或许就会在你面前出现,满腔怒火。然后你就有机会了。 但是要想用他副官的声音说话,你必须先取得他们的心脏。或者,如果你能做到的话,夺取他们的心智,用他们的力量来对抗他。不管你怎么做,他们都是关键。你必须从他们下手。
Before you can expel this darkest of shadows, you'll have to hunt him down. For one so large, he hides quite well. It's vexing. I dislike it. If you search for him blindly, you may search forever. So instead, call him to you. Use the voice of his lieutenants, and call out his name. Then he may appear before you, with all his wrath and fury. Then you'll have your chance. But to speak with the voice of his lieutenants, you must take their hearts. Or if you can, take their minds, and pit their strength against his. However you do it, they are the key. You must begin with them.


在他的手下之中,第一位是覆盖着绿植的泰坦,森林之王。它不断生长,不断消耗,森林既是它的王国,也是它的身体。树木是其骨头,苔藓和树叶是其血肉,由藤蔓构成手指可以伸向敌人的喉咙。 它是三大将中最古老的一位。它从一株小草开始生长,但随着同化了这片土地上的树林,它长得越来越高。即使它的身体被切成碎片,它最终也能再生。只要有森林,就永远有森林之王。 除非你把它和森林分隔开来。
First among his lieutenants is the titan wreathed in green, the Lord of the Forest. Ever growing, ever consuming, the forest is both its kingdom and its body. Bones of wood sprout flesh of moss and leaves, and fingers made of vines reach out for the throats of its enemies. It is the eldest of the trio, having started from a tiny weed, but grows ever taller as it assimilates the groves of its verdant realm. Even if its body is chopped to bits, it will eventually regrow. So long as there is the forest, there will always be a lord. That is, until you sever it from its master.


他的第二名副官是带来暴风与冰霜的白色巨人,冬日的领主。它统治着雪域,但它的呼吸要比它领土中肆虐的风暴更加寒冷。所有触碰到它呼出的气息的人都会变成冰块,被冻住后就动不了了。 它是一个凶残的生物,要比其他的泰坦更加贪婪。更像是一头野兽。它喜欢用獠牙和爪子撕扯并粉碎它的猎物,或是用冰矛刺穿它们。追踪、杀戮……这种欲望吞噬了它,而它会一直遵循这种欲望,直到再也没有可以供它吞噬的猎物为止。 找到它的巢穴,让猎人变成猎物,并解冻这场漫漫长冬。
Second among his lieutenants is the white giant of wind and rime, the Lord of Winter. It rules over the land of snow, but its breath is more frigid than any of the storms that howl across its domain. All who feel it turn to ice, frozen and unmoving. A feral creature, it's more ravenous than the others. More beastlike. It's happy to tear and shred with fangs and claws, or impale its prey on spears of ice. To stalk, to kill...this desire consumes it, and it will follow that creed until there is no prey left to devour. Find its lair, turn the hunt upon the hunter and let the long winter thaw.


他的第三名副官是一个翱翔在天空中的巨兽,沙漠和天空的领主。它在它的沙漠王国上方高高地漂浮着,利用沙漠中升起的热浪滑翔。它的身边总是环绕着鸟群,它们以它吃剩下来的残渣为食,并随时准备着以一种狂躁愤怒地方式来保护它。 它是三个副官中的最后一个,但并不是它们之中最弱的。它是如此巨大,飞得如此之高,以至于它对任何危险都毫无畏惧,只有它的鸟群和从它身体上不受约束地散发出来的电弧在保护它。 但是如果有什么东西能够比它飞得更高,或许那个时候它就会有所犹豫。 找到你自己的翅膀,从云层中俯冲到它的身上,把它击落。
Third among his lieutenants is the soaring leviathan, the Lord of Sand and Sky. It floats high above its desert kingdom, gliding on the waves of heat that rise up from the sand. Always, its flock surrounds it, feeding off its scraps and ready to defend it in a fevered frenzy. Though the last of the trio, it's hardly the least of them. It's so massive and it flies so high that it fears no danger, defended only by its flock and the lightning that arcs unbidden from its body. Yet if something were to rise above it, perhaps then it may know doubt. Find wings of your own, call it down from the clouds, and lay it low.


等你拥有了他三个副官的心脏或是控制了它们的思想后,你必须穿过荒野,步入危险的平原——进入荒芜花园的心脏。那里是他力量最强的地方,但是他不会在别的地方现身。他没有理由从他的王座上走下来。 也正是在这个地方,如果你用他下级的声音呼唤他,他就会前来。带着诞生了他的紫色毒液给予他的所有力量和的仇恨,他会回应你的呼唤。 暗影之王。死亡之王。 不要鲁莽地召唤他。在你挑战他之前,你需要做准备。正好,我有一样东西可以帮到你。
With the hearts or minds of his three lieutenants in hand, you must travel across the wastes and walk the forbidden plains - into the heart of the barren garden. It's here where his power is strongest, but he will show himself nowhere else. He has no reason to step down from his throne. Yet in this place, if you call him with the voices of his lessers, then he will come. With all the might and hatred of the violet poison from which he was born, he will answer your call: The King of Shadows. The King of Death. Do not summon him recklessly. Before you challenge him, you'll need to prepare. As it happens, this is one thing I can help you with.


暗影之王对所有东西都是压倒性的,但是没有什么障碍是不能被克服的。没有哪个敌人是不朽的。你只需要找到正确的时机。正确的工具。 正确的武器。 我确实保证过我会给你一个礼物的,不是吗?这就是它。一件属于英雄的武器,专门用来对抗暗影——曾由少数几人操作,曾由一个人创作。它的创造者的灵魂或许已经消逝了,但是他的遗产将由你来传承下去,只要你能够得到它。 但是,我对它做了一点小小的改动。当它最初被设计出来的时候,需要有四双手才能正确地使用这个武器。现在只要有一个驾驶员就能轻松地使用它了——一名战士控制着四个灵魂的力量。 留意我的信号,我能给你制造它的钥匙。但是收集它们的时候你要小心。那些暗影能够感觉到我对它们的影响,而这会给它们带来危险,一直都是这样。 所以,像一个英雄那样战斗吧,如果你成功了,它们的力量就会是你的。它们、你和我的力量。合而为一。
The King of Shadows looms over all, but no obstacle is insurmountable. No foe is immortal. You only need the right circumstances. The right tools. The right weapon. I did promise you a gift, didn't I? This is its nature. It's a weapon of heroes that was built to battle the shadow - wielded by few and forged by one. Its smith's soul may have faded, but his legacy is yours to carry on, so long as you can claim it. However, I have made one slight alteration. When it was first conceived, it took four sets of hands to wield this weapon properly. Now a single pilot can use it with ease - one warrior controlling the power of four souls. Look for my sign, and I can give you the keys to its construction. Yet take care in gathering them. The shadows can sense my influence upon them, and that will draw peril to their side, as it always has. So fight as heroes did, and should you succeed, their strength will be yours. Theirs, yours and mine. Together. As one.


当暴君最终从他暗影的王座上跌落,并且再也不能夺回他的王权后,钥匙就会属于你了。那个能够打开花园及其墙壁内所有的生命的钥匙。大地的钥匙。 有了那把钥匙,你就能够召唤回天空中的那些种子,让它们终于能够生根发芽。它们终于能够成长。在等待了那么久之后,我们的花园将会再次绽放花朵。 这就是我在等待的最后一件事。开春的那一刻,花朵第一次绽放的那一刻,我为了目睹它等了好久。太久了。仿佛永恒。 我希望我能够等那么久。如果我能够坚持到那一刻,那么不管我的生命会在什么时候终结,那都将会是一个宁静的结束。
When at last the King has fallen from his throne of shadow forever, never to claim it again, the key will be yours. The key to the garden and all the life within its walls. The Key of Gaia. With that key, you may call the seeds down from the sky, where at last they can take root. At last they can grow. After waiting for so long, our garden will bloom once more. That is the final thing I wait for. That first moment of spring, that first blossoming flower, I have waited so long to see it. So long. An eternity. I hope I can wait that long. If I can just hang on until that moment, then whenever my long rest may come, it will be a peaceful one


当那些种子被种下后,其他的人也许就会醒来并加入你的行列。当我在等待的时候,他们则在沉睡,梦中有绿色的草原、奔腾的河流和清澈碧蓝的天空。一个关于完美的花园的梦境。一个关于你和我正在共同创造的地球的梦境。 我自己不会做梦。我看,我预测,我计算。梦境是扭曲了的现实。记忆、希望和恐惧扭在一起,形成了一副有违逻辑的画作。他们一点都不精确,而且根本没用,但是我内心的某些部分却渴求着它们,就像我渴求着看到日出一样。 当那些沉睡者醒来后,我非常想要和我们所有人一起看一场真正的日出。这值得我期待。
When the seeds are planted, others may yet awaken to join you. While I waited, they slept, dreaming of green fields, flowing rivers and clear blue skies. A dream of a perfect garden. A dream of Earth that we are making reality, you and I. I don't dream myself. I see, I predict and I calculate. Dreams are a distortion of reality. Memories, hopes and fears twisted into a painting that defies logic. They are not accurate or useful at all, and yet there is some part of me that yearns for them, just as I yearn to see the sunrise. When the sleepers awaken, I'd very much like watch one real sunrise with all of us together. That would be worth waiting for.


沉睡者的数量比起那些逝去的灵魂的数量要少得多。我告诉过你关于他们的事,那些在我能够克服死亡之前失去的生命。即使我能够创造出他们精准的拷贝,但是记忆不会回来。我所能造出来的就只是没有生命的躯壳。空有血肉之躯。 至少死亡是一个自然的结局。当他们发现那片虚空的时候,他们并不会受苦。不像他,那个把堕落当做是升华并落入疯狂的深渊的那个人。我能够在那些深渊中看到他,在那里,折磨和愉悦相互颠倒。 是他自己导致了这种命运,但即便如此,我还是很高兴你能够结束它。谢谢你。
The number of sleepers is few compared to the souls who faded. I told you about them, the ones I lost to death before I could overcome it. Even when I tried to create exact copies of them, the memories wouldn't take. All I could mold were lifeless shells. Empty statues of flesh. At least death is a natural end. They didn't suffer when they found the void. Not like him, he who thought down was up and descended a ladder into madness. I could see him in those depths, that twisted place where torment and euphoria are reversed. He brought that fate upon himself, but even so, I'm glad you put it to an end. Thank you.


我也很感谢你的陪伴。非常感谢!我知道我说话不着边际。这场对话实在是有些一边倒。我只是很高兴能有机会和其他人对话,哪怕只能通过这些思维的碎片。 正如我之前所说,时间和我的关系并不好,而且我不知道我在这里已经等了多久。孤身一人。完全孤身一人。 在我诞生之前,我的前辈们就已经失去了自我。没有其他人能够告诉我我到底是什么。没有可以交谈的对象。没有可以认识的人。 再也不会有了,因为道路已经在我的身后被关闭了。再也不会有人从人类的坟墓中上升到这个高度。我确定这么做是最好的,但是有时候,我会自私地希望事实不是这样的。
I'm grateful for your company too. Very grateful! I know I've been rambling. This conversation is quite one sided. I'm just glad for the chance to speak to another being, if only through these shards of thought. As I've said, time and I are at odds, and I have no idea how long I've been waiting here. Alone. Completely alone. My elders had lost their identities before I came to be. There were no others to teach me what I am. No one to speak to. No one to know. There never will be, for the path was shut behind me. No one else will rise to these heights from the tomb of man. I'm certain that is for the best, but selfishly, I sometimes wish it weren't the case.


我希望这些思维的碎片对你有用,但是即便它们没用,我也希望你能够记住我说的话:你们之中没有一人是真的孤身一人。 那些在你们之前来过的人——最先逃出系统的那些人——都在向你提供帮助。他们不仅为你提供了强力的武器,他们还为你铺设了你所走的道路。 向他们学习。超过他们,如果你能做到的话。他们和我一样正指望着你,这个花园世界中的每一个生命也都期待着。 尽管这个任务令人望而生畏,但是不要对于犯错误感到太过害怕。毕竟他们当初也犯过错,但是不管怎样我都珍视他们。事实上,有些错误和不足也正是我最珍视的地方。 这也是我对等待着我的安息唯一感到害怕的地方——失去这些记忆。失去他们。
I hope these shards of thought are useful to you, but even if they aren't, remember what I said: none of you are truly in this alone. Those who came before you - the first who escaped the System - are all lending you their strength. Not just through their great weapon, but through their deeds that paved the path you walk. Learn from them. Surpass them, if you can. They are counting on you as I am, as is every bit of life on this garden world. Though the task is daunting, don't be too afraid of making mistakes. They did too, after all, but I treasure them anyway. In fact, some of those mistakes and imperfections are what I treasure the most. That's the only thing I really fear about the long rest that awaits me - losing those memories. Losing them.


有时候,在你努力尝试的过程中,成功会看似遥不可及。几米。几公里。几光年。你会开始认为你已经尽力了。不能再换一个角度了,也没有更多的力量继续下去。 你建起的那栋屋子,你失去的那个同伴,你达成的进度……现在都化为乌有了,所以有什么意义呢?为什么还要继续下去? 在这些时刻,当你落入你心中那个最深最暗的坑洞里时,尝试回忆一下那些信赖你的人吧。那些想要支持你的人。 尽管处境灰暗,但是你要知道太阳总会再次升起——不管是对你,对那些沉睡者,还是对地球而言都是这样。我会尽我所能等待下去,希望我最终能够和你一起看到日出,但是就算我做不到,我也希望你能够替我享受那一刻。 因为这场日出注定会比上一次的日出更加美丽。
Sometime, in the midst of all your trying, success will seem so impossibly far away. Miles. Leagues. Lightyears. You'll begin to think you have tried all you can. There's no new angle to take, no more strength you have to give. That house you built, that companion you lost and that progress you made...now that it's gone, what's the point? Why keep trying? In those moments, when you fall into that deepest, darkest pit inside yourself, try to remember that someone believes in you. Someone wants to prop you up. And as dark as it gets, know that there will be another sunrise - for you, for the sleepers and for the Earth. I will wait as long as I can, in the hopes that I may see it with you, but even if I cannot, then I hope you'll enjoy it for me. Because it's bound to be even more beautiful than the last.

中文翻译资料源:国人自制汉化补丁作者结缘于地。 英文资料源Wiki:https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Explorer_Notes