
戴安娜·阿尔塔拉斯 [Diana Altaras]
戴安娜·阿尔塔拉斯 是来自未来的联合地球共和国(URE)武装部队飞行员。


不应该由我来领导这个小队。 哇,说出来的感觉真是太好了。如果我憋在心里不说,我的大脑就要爆炸了。我的意思是,我知道为什么每个人关注着我:我属于地球联合共和国武装部队。 “为地球的自由和统一而战,”之类的屁话,但我只是一个飞行员!把我放到任何一个飞行大队里我都是佼佼者,但不要期望我有能力领导这玩意儿。 我所能做的就是尽量让每个人都振作起来。当然我们身处鸟不拉屎的地方,但是欢声笑语可以带人走出最绝望的困境。虽然那不能拿来当饭吃,但是总比没有好嘛。
I shouldn't be leading this group. Wow, that felt good to admit. If I'd kept that bottled up in my head any longer, my brain was going to explode. I mean, I know why everyone's looking to me: I'm URE Armed Forces. "Fighting for a free and united Earth," yadda yadda yadda, but I'm just a pilot! Throw me in any squadron you want and I'll be your top stick, bet the house on it, just don't expect me to command the damned thing. All I can really do is try to keep everyone's spirits up. Sure we're in the ass end of nowhere, but a smile and a few laughs can go a long way in even the worst of situations. Can't make rations out of it but hey, baby steps.


要是没有恐龙,那这“摆脱绝望心态”的事还不算太难。我没说过有恐龙是吧?我该说的。遭受迅猛龙的攻击对士气影响没那么大。真实的故事。 至少天气还好。已经晴了三天。给别人起绰号是个很不错的主意。每次当我被中队的人起了新的绰号的时候,总是让我感觉与他们更亲近。希望这群人也是这样。 菜鸟建议叫我“长脖子”,因为我总是伸长脖子望天,但我就是停不下来。这里太漂亮了。完美的蓝天。
You know, this whole "staving off the ever looming spectre of despair" thing would be a lot easier without all the dinosaurs. Did I not mention those? I should have mentioned those. Anyway, turns out that raptor attacks aren't so great for morale. True story. At least the weather's holding up. We've had clear skies for three days now. It was a good idea to start giving people callsigns, too. Getting a new callsign from my squadron always made me feel closer to them, whatever it was. Hopefully it works with this bunch. The newbie suggested Rubberneck for me, since I keep looking at the sky, but I can't help it. It really is gorgeous here. A perfect blue.


我现在感觉轻松多了!部分原因可能是睡在一张真正的床上,但更令我放心的是,我那一群乌合之众现在强很多了。 我们加入的这个大集团更具有组织性。他们已经搭好了庇护所,开始采集能量元素,并且在数周前就建立了防线。这并不奇怪。毕竟其中一位领导人来自于地球联合共和国特种部队。 奇怪的是,还有一些是联邦的人,但鉴于我们目前的情况,联邦人也得包括进来。希望我们在修好这套泰克装备后,停战仍然有效……
I feel so much lighter now! Sure, part of that might come from sleeping in an actual bed, but mostly I'm just relieved that my ragtag band of rascals is in better hands. This larger group we joined is way more organized. They've been setting up shelters, mining Element and establishing a perimeter for weeks. Not surprising. One of the leaders is URE special forces, after all. Weirdly, some of the the people here are from the Federation, but given our situation, even the Feddies are being team players. Hope that truce holds up when we get this TEK gear up and running...


随着营地的逐渐壮大,我们与联邦之间的关系愈发紧张,所以今天我决定打破僵局。无论地球联合共和国和地星联邦在其他地方发生过什么都不重要。我们现在都在同一条船上,是不是? 不过,靠我的破运气,我没能和所有联邦人以礼相待。我在不知情的情况下和圣地亚哥脚好了。没错,是的,就是那个只有一个名字的圣地亚哥。他之前黑进了地球联合共合国的指挥台,然后逆向工程了我们最新的泰克盔甲。就是那个圣地亚哥。 原来他对流行音乐很感兴趣,对错过了新一季的“地球联合共和国偶像”节目超级失落。是不是很神奇。
The more the camp's grown, the more tense things have become with the Feddies, so today I decided to break the ice. Whatever's happening between the United Republics of Earth and the Terran Federation in the rest of the world doesn’t matter. We're all in this together, right? Of course, with my dumb luck, I didn't make nice with just any old Feddie. I unknowingly buddied up to Santiago. Yeah, as in the Santiago that's so famous he's only got one name, as in the guy who hacked into URE command one day and reverse engineered our latest TEK armor the next. That Santiago. Turns out he's really into pop music. Super disappointed he's missing the new season of URE Idol. Go figure.


今天高层最终同意了一个计划。根据我们的临时工程师团队评估,我们已经收集齐了资源。可以在未来一到两个月之内至制造出一套杂牌但可以飞的泰克护甲。会有人穿着它去寻找救援:那个人就是我。 我有驾驶泰克护甲的资质,所以我成功的概率很高。而且我敢说,其他联邦人都是由我的新朋友拉进来的。他们只能选我。 压力很大,但我喜欢。没有高层指挥,只是一双翅膀和一个不可能完成的任务。这才是戴安娜·阿尔塔拉斯。
The top brass finally agreed on a plan today. According to our makeshift engineering corps, we've got the resources to cobble together an off-brand, flight ready suit of TEK armor in a month or two. One person will then take that armor and leave in search of help: me. I'm fully certified for TEK armor, so I've got a good shot at succeeding, and I'm pretty sure that my new buddy was the one who got the other Feddies on board. I was the only pick they could agree on. It's a lot of pressure, but this is the kind I like. No big group decisions, just a set of wings and an impossible mission. That's what Diana Altaras is all about.


噢,宝贝,我真怀念这种飞驰的感觉!还有天空!太想你了,你真美丽啊。虽然这个装甲原型可能比不上我的战斗机,但是比想象中的要刺激得多了。我想我应该是在这里被困太久了。 圣地亚哥一直在开玩笑说我欠他多少情,但这已经超出了人情的范畴了。我答应他等我从文明世界回来,会给他带些音乐。至少这是我能为那个小书呆尽得绵薄之力了。 全套装甲应该可以在下周前完成。压轴节目即将上演。
Oh baby, did I miss real speed! And the sky! Missed you too, beautiful. That prototype jetpack might not compare to my fighter, but the rush I got was way better than I'd hoped. Guess I've been stuck here for longer than I thought. Santiago's been joking about how much I owe him, but he's more right than he knows. I promised to bring him some music for the ride back to civilization. Least I can do for that little nerd. The full set of armor should be done by next week. Then it's finally showtime.


我出发后不到一天时间内,就撞上了一堵墙。更确切地说,是一道隐形的能量屏障,它延伸到了整个地区。这绝对是在我至今以来后十名的着陆操作。我的肩膀还在疼。 我一回来,就带着圣地亚哥去检查那堵墙。他认为这也是干扰我们远距离信号的罪魁祸首。所以基本上来说,只要这堵墙一直存在,我们就没有办法联系到外面的世界。我们完全孤立了。 除非我们能找到摧毁它的办法。
So much for that. Less than a day after I set out, my mission hit a wall, or more specifically, an invisible energy barrier that extends around this entire area. Definitely in my bottom ten landings of all time, by the way. My shoulder's still feeling it. Once I reported back, I took Santiago to inspect the barrier. He thinks it's also the culprit that's responsible for jamming our long range signals. So basically, as long as this barrier exists, we have no way to reach the outside world. We're completely isolated. Unless, of course, we find a way to take it down.


我们终于找到了我们的目标。这三处方尖碑很显然与什么传送技术有关联。它们都连接这穹顶上的第四个信号点。 不管上面有什么,我们都需要解决掉。 圣地亚哥说,他可以帮我们绕过其中一个方尖碑平台的防护措施,然后送我们上去。但问题是,我们不知道那里有什么等待着我们。不是所有人都会打仗。所以打算采取外交手段,给我们神秘的主人一份大礼。 领导不想泄露惊喜,所以我们分开制造它。整个炸弹在行动开始前都不会被组装起来。把我们抓来的人不会知道是什么攻击了他们。
We've finally found our target. Apparently those three obelisks on the horizon are attached to some crazy teleportation tech, and each one is linked to a fourth signal high above us. Whatever's up there is what we need to take out. Santiago says he can get us there by bypassing the security on one of the obelisk's platforms. Trouble is, we don't know what'll be waiting for us, and not everyone here's combat ready. So we're going to take the diplomatic approach and make our mysterious hosts a present. The leaders don't want to risk spoiling the surprise, so we're discretely building it in pieces. The whole bomb won't even be assembled until the minute the operation starts. Our captors won't know what hit them.


数月的计划、一队全副武装的战士和史上最大的自制炸弹……但我们还没有准备好。我们怎么可能会准备好了呢?我不认为在面对那个疯狂又会变形的鬼东西时,还有人能说自己准备充分了。 我们在平台中央组装炸弹的时候,它突然出现攻击我们。一切都太快了,我们只能把倒计时设置为极短的时间。我们中间只有不到一半的人设法及时从平台上跳了下去。当我在下落的时候,还能感受到爆炸的热浪。 如果我没能帮圣地亚哥保持住平衡,他估计就牺牲了。当然了,自从我们炸毁了那个平台,之后发生的一切说明我们都搞砸了。
Months of planning, a squad of guys armed to the teeth and the biggest homemade bomb you've ever seen...and we still weren't prepared. How could we be? I don't think anyone could have been ready for that insane, shapeshifting whatever-it-was. It attacked us as soon as we carted the package to the center of the platform. We were getting taken out so fast that we just set the bomb on a short fuse and made a break for it. Less than half of us managed to dive off of the platform in time, and I could feel the heat of the explosion as I fell. If I hadn't stabilized Santiago on the way down, he'd have been paste too. Of course with everything that's been happening since we blew up that platform, we all might be screwed anyway.


局势在匆忙之中犹如脱缰的野马,完全失控了。摧毁平台不只削弱了困住我们的结界,还把整个天空的全息影像一并终结了。 是的,原来这整片大陆以及上面所有的一切就像某种人工太空岛屿一样围绕着地球而运行。是不是很疯狂?要不是它的结构正在崩坏,否则我个人会好好欣赏一下这个疯狂之作。 我们要带上所有能带的东西,前往我们之前发现的那个洞穴中暂避一会儿。如果地下空气的浓度更高的话,我们还有机会扭转局势。
Things have gone sideways in a hurry, and I mean seriously FUBAR. Destroying that platform didn't just weaken the barrier trapping us here, it took out the whole freaking sky, or at least the giant hologram that was posing as it. So yeah, turns out this entire landmass and everything on it is orbiting the Earth like some kind of artificial space island. Wild right? I'd appreciate the sheer insanity of that a lot more if this place didn't feel like it was falling apart. We're taking all we can carry and making a break for that cave system we discovered a while back. If the atmosphere's thicker underground, then we've got a shot of pulling through.


看来我们及时赶到了。我原路返回去看了一眼地表,外面大火肆虐。这不是比喻,它真的是在燃烧。 我猜测是漏过结界的辐射和太阳光线把它变成一个烈焰地狱。这绝对不是你见到的情况,所以我们打算继续深入这些洞穴。 好消息是它们比我们预想中的要大得多。我们应该能够建立一个相当完备的行动基地,在那之后……最好不要想太远。昂首挺胸向前看吧,士兵。
Looks like we made it just in time. I backtracked to take a peek at the surface, and it's just one big fire. That's not a metaphor, I mean it's actually burning. I guess some combination of the radiation that's leaking through the barrier and reflected sunlight is turning it into our own private hellscape. That's not exactly the kind of thing you want in your backyard, so the plan is to keep delving into these caverns. The good news is that they're way bigger than we ever thought. We should be able to set up a pretty extensive base of operations, and after that...better not think that far ahead. Chin up and eyes forward, soldier.


这些日子以来,我们的基地逐具规模,甚至拥有足够富余的能量元素。我们用它制造了一台货真价实的睡眠舱。 我感觉比以往任何时候都休息得更好,但不知怎的,就是睡不够。再也没有天空可以让我沉浸在其中了,大概这就是原因吧。于是我多了很多可以思考的时间。 奇怪的是,我一直想起我的项链,那是我妈妈给的六芒星项链。有时我发现自己想伸手摸它,但忘了它不并在那里。是什么原因呢?我从来都不太信教的。 还是拿着滑翔翼出去飞一圈吧——它们是喷气装甲最好的替代品了。或许当我在飞翔的时候可以想出什么更污的笑话。霍尔斯特德在上次巡逻中飞的比我好,我一定要打败他。
Our base is looking pretty fancy these days. We even had enough spare Element to whip up some genuine Hyper Chambers. I'm feeling more rested than ever, yet somehow just as restless. There's no sky to lose myself in anymore, that's the problem. It's left me too much time to think. Weirdly, I keep coming back to my necklace, the Star of David one my mother gave me. Sometimes I catch myself reaching for it, forgetting it's not there. Why is that? I've never been too religious. Better take one of those gliders for a spin to clear my head - they're the only way to fly now that our jetpacks stopped working. Maybe I'll think of some dirtier jokes while I'm at it. Halsted one upped me on the last patrol and I can't let that stand.


我就知道圣地亚哥会想出一个新计划的!虽然他对流行偶像的品味可能有些问题,但是如果有人能把这个地方弄清楚,那就是他了。 他在深入研究了方尖碑之后,确信自己可以设计出一个应用该种传送技术的放大版本。它可以桥接到更加遥远的平台。 具体来说,它可以锁定我们在几周前发现的一个信号。这个信号比我们检测到的其他所有方尖碑的频率略有不同。更重要的是,它离其他所有方尖碑非常遥远。 这项工程的规模十分浩大,必定需要积年累月的工作,但是每个人都觉得这是我们最好的出路。传送门计划正式开始。
I always knew Santiago would come up with a new plan! His taste in pop idols might be questionable, but if anyone can figure this place out, it's him. After studying the obelisks in-depth, he's convinced that he can design an amped up version of their teleportation tech that can connect to more distant platforms. Specifically, it would be able to lock onto a signal we discovered a few weeks ago, one that's on a slightly different frequency than all the other obelisks we've detected. More importantly, it's far, far away from any of them. The scale of this would be massive, we're talking years of work, but everyone agrees that it's our best move. The Gateway Project is officially underway.


我知道这个传送门计划是一个浩大的工程,但是光看到它的成长便足以被震惊到了。我们还没有完成一半的计划,却已经呈现出了一个壮观的景象。 我们想要传送到多远的距离取决于门的大小。距离越远,传送矩阵就需要造的越大。当然了,那也意味着我们需要更多的能量,但是我们已经有了解决方案:方尖碑。 那些坏家伙们被连接到了这里的主能源供给上,所以理论上我们可以把那些能源黑为己用。窍门就在于我们需要制造一次威力巨大的电泳,不过我们还不清楚该怎么实现。但是我确信我们终将破解那些代码。
I knew the Gateway Project would be gigantic, but it's still amazing to see how it's grown. We're not even halfway done and it's already a sight to behold. The size is a product of how far we need to travel. The greater the distance, the bigger the teleportation matrix needs to be. Of course, that means we'll also need a lot more power, but we've got a solution for that too: the obelisks. Those bad boys are tapped into this place's main power supply, so in theory we can hijack that power for ourselves. The caveat is that we'd need a massive surge of it all at once, and we're not certain how to pull that off. We'll crack that code eventually, though. I'm sure of it.


为什么永远都是我被选中去检查方尖碑?我真希望他们能够换一个人去。 每次我都必须用登山镐爬上这些蠢透了的墙壁,我真希望我铠甲上的火箭推进器还能够运行,就算它已经好几年都没能动起来过了。 我们至今没有弄明白为什么在经历了那场大灾变之后,泰克铠甲就失去了那么多功能。也许是大气中出现了一些新的东西。当我们勇敢面对地表的时候,穿着泰克铠甲还是有必要的,但是我感觉穿着它动作太慢了。 噢!说起铠甲,我在我上一次的旅途中发现了一个奇怪的东西:一块烧焦了的胸甲以及被烧得非常脆的人类尸骨(涅尔瓦的尸体)。我不知道这是怎么回事,但是我想我们有新人加入了……
Why do I always get picked to check on the obelisk? I really wish they'd send someone else for a change. Every time I have to scale these stupid walls with climbing picks, I wish my armor's jetpack still worked, even though it hasn't for years. We never did figure out why they lost so much functionality after the catastrophe. Something new in the atmosphere maybe. It's still worth wearing when we brave the surface, but I just feel so slow in it. Oh! Speaking of armor, I found something weird on my last trip: a burnt out chestplate and some even crispier human remains. I don't know how, but I think we've got some new arrivals...


这个叫做美盈的女人……她和我遇到过的任何人都不一样,而且并不仅仅因为她是几百年之前的人。是她的那双灼热的眼睛。就像是风暴一样。 当我们第一次把她和她的宠物带回营地的时候,营地里炸开了锅,但现在大家都习惯她了。老实说我觉得她信任我们的程度远比我们信任她的程度低。她似乎只在做杂务的时候才会说话,而且一只手总是放在她的剑上。 我觉得独自一个人生存是会变成那样,但是我希望她能明白卸下戒备也不是不可以。或许那样我就能见到那双眼睛背后的真身了。
This woman, Mei-Yin... she's not like anyone I've ever met, and not just because she's from hundreds of years in the past. It's those eyes, they're just so intense. It's like staring into a storm. She caused a real stir when we first brought her back to base with her pet monster, but everyone's used to her by now. Honestly I think she trusts us way less than we trust her. She only seems to speak when she's doing chores, and she's always got one hand on that sword of hers. I guess that's what it takes to survive all alone like that, but hopefully she'll learn that it's okay to let her guard down. Maybe then I can really meet the person behind those eyes.


我觉得在遇到美之前我并没有了解什么是真正的努力。 不管在她学习如何操作全息控制台或是要达成自己的目标的时候,她基本上总是尽可能地努力,而且她讨厌寻求别人的帮助。相反,她会紧锁眉头、瞪着需要做的事情,直到她能想出来一个解决方案。说实话,这有点可爱。 唯独在我们互相切磋的时候,她会比较放松。顺带一提,她很喜欢和我比试。她甚至给我起了个绰号:Juzi,然而她并不告诉我那是什么意思。我打算用答案当比赛的赌注,但是如果她认真起来的话可以在一瞬间把我打倒在地。她的武艺无人可比。
I don't think I really understood hard work until I met Mei. Whether she's learning how to operate holographic controls or working on her aim, she basically tries as hard as she can all the time, and she hates asking for help. Instead, she'll just scrunch her eyebrows and glare at whatever she's working on until she can think of a solution. It's kind of adorable, to be honest. The only time I think she takes it easy is when we're sparring. That really opened her up, by the way. She even gave me a callsign, Juzi, although she won't tell me what it means. I'd bet the answer on a match, but she'd kick my butt in a heartbeat if she got serious. Those muscles are cheat codes.


好吧,看来我又要去执行一项不可能的任务了。距离上一次已经好久了,如果你问我的话。 所以不久之前探索部队发现的废弃建筑?好吧,我们依然不清楚是谁留下来的,但是圣地亚哥说他在那附近检测到了可能是来自于超荷的能量元素碎片晶体的信号。 我们需要这个东西来制作传送门项目的聚焦透镜,而我们一直没能够自己生产这种东西。 问题是,没有防护服我们根本不能在那下面存活,而且那个探索部队有一半被我们见过的最恶心最丑陋的怪物撕成了碎片。这可能会一点波折……
Well, looks like I'm off on another impossible mission. It's been way too long, if you ask me. So those abandoned structures that scout team spotted a while back? Well we're still not sure who left them there, but Santiago says that he's detecting the emissions from what could be hypercharged, crystallized Element shards in their vicinity. We need those for the Gateway Project's focusing lens, and we haven't been able to make them ourselves. The trouble is, we can't even survive down there without hazard suits, and half of that scout team got torn to pieces by the nastiest, ugliest creatures we've ever seen. This could get bumpy...


任务日志:戴安娜·阿尔塔拉斯中尉,地球联合共和国第八十二战斗机中队 倘若任务失败了,我将留下这个作为记录。我们在到达行动区域不久后就损失了大部分队员。洛赫和弗林在我们接近目标时就被拦截了。霍尔斯特德和我是最后的活人了。 我可以确认目标在废墟中。我已将坐标写入这条消息之中。我会把这篇日志放在这里,然后我们再去试一试。 噢,如果有人能给美读下这封信的话:抱歉,我永远也开不好那架飞机。要是换一架你就会喜欢了。
Mission Log: First Lieutenant Diana Altaras, URE 82nd Fighter Squadron I'm leaving this for the record, in the event of mission failure. We lost most of the team soon after arriving in the area of operations. Roho and Flynn got picked off as we neared the target. Halsted and I are the last remaining assets. I was able to confirm that the target is in the ruins, and have encoded the coordinates within this message. I'm going to leave this behind, and then we'll make one last run at it. Oh, and if someone could read this to Mei: Sorry I'll never make good on that jet ride. You'd have loved it, I promise.


我终于做好了这条项链。我完全可以找个人帮我制作,但是那样感觉就不对了,尤其是当美冒了那么大的风险来救我之后。一开始我还担心她会不喜欢,但是事实表明她只是对于不能回礼而感到愧疚而已。 真特别,不是吗?所以作为回礼,我终于知道“Juzi”是什么意思了——柑橘。一直以来她都在叫我“橘子”!这绝对不是以我的头发为焦点取过的最糟糕的代号,而且能看到她脸上的表情真是值了。她真的好尴尬! 那一刻我差点就靠上去然后……但是我不认为她明白我的感觉。不完全明白。现在还不是时候。 这没有问题。仅此一次,我不再急躁。一旦我们跨过了那道传送门,我们就会有大把的时间。
I finally finished the necklace. I could have had someone else make it, but that wouldn't have felt right, not after all Mei went through to help me. At first I was worried she didn't like it, but it turns out that she just felt guilty for receiving a gift without giving one. Typical, right? So in exchange, I finally learned what Juzi meant - Tangerine. This whole time, she's been calling me Tangerine! Definitely not the worst ginger centric callsign I've had though, and totally worth it for that look on her face. She was so embarrassed! In that moment, I almost leaned in and...but I don't think she understands how I feel. Not completely. Not yet. That's okay. For once, I'm not in a rush. Once we step through that gateway, we'll have all the time in the world.



我真的还活着吗?这里看起来不像是我听说过的地狱,而且我觉得天堂应该会比这里更加整洁。但问题是,我很确定我已经死了。 我记得我把那个怪物从传送门旁引开了,然后是剧痛,接着是美盈俯视着我。我尽全力想要看清楚她的脸,直到视野渐渐变暗,然后我就落入了冰冷的虚空中。接下来的发生的事情有些模糊,但是我记得有听到一个声音。 “帮忙。你必须要帮忙。” 然后我现在就到了这里,光着屁股,前臂上还粘着那个熟悉的金属块。没错,我绝对还活着,如果我已经死了的话,这个蠢东西是不会这么痒的。我猜这也意味着我最好赶紧找点衣服穿,或许还要找些药膏……
Am I really alive? This doesn't look like any hell I've ever heard of, and I feel like heaven would have better groundskeeping. The problem is, I'm pretty sure I died. I remember drawing that monster away from the gateway, a ton of pain, and Mei's face looking down at me. I held onto that sight as long as I could, until the darkness crept in, and I fell into a cold void. The rest is kind of fuzzy, but I remember a voice. "Help. You have to help." And now I'm here, butt-ass naked with a familiar hunk of metal stuck in my forearm. Yeah, I'm definitely alive, there's no way this stupid thing would itch so much if I were dead. Guess that means I'd better make myself some clothes, and maybe some kind of ointment...


在事态变得疯狂之前,圣地亚哥在无线电中提到过关于人类克隆室的事情。这是我能够复活的唯一合理解释。我是一个克隆体。 所以这是否意味着我只是原版的一个复制品,或者我的意识是否有可能被储存在某个地方,然后被放入了一个新的身体? 这真的好诡异,尤其是这种事情其他人都没有经历过。在那个空间站上,我们失去了好多人,但是他们中没有一个复活。人死了就不能复活,就是这样。所以为什么我是唯一的一个例外?是不是因为那个声音,是不是它让我复活了? 好吧,这有些吓人。那个声音刚刚回答了我。它说:“是的。”
Right before things went crazy, Santiago mentioned something about human cloning chambers over the radio. That's the only explanation for this comeback tour of mine that makes any sense: I'm a clone. So does that mean I'm just a copy of the original, or is it possible that my consciousness was stored somewhere and then put into a new body? This is so weird, especially since it's never happened to anyone before. We lost plenty of people back on that station, but not one of them ever came back to life. Death was a one way ticket, period. So why am I the only exception? Is it that voice, did it do this to me? Okay, that's creepy. The voice just answered me. It said, "Yes."


好了,是时候停止这些寻找灵魂的破事了。我确信我的记忆是真实的,所以不管我是不是克隆,就冲着这些记忆,我也要当作第二次机会。我绝对不会浪费它,绝对不会! 现在我已经弄到了一些基本的设备,根据我的周围环境,我绝对在行星上。这意味着如果星门计划成功了,那么圣地亚哥、海莲娜和美盈以及其他的人就肯定在那里的某处。我要做的就是找到他们。 那个声音提到了一些关于帮助的事情。如果他们遇到麻烦了,我希望他们能再坚持一段时间。我马上就来了!
All right, time to pull the plug on all this soul searching crap. I'm positive my memories are real, so whether I'm some off-brand clone or not, for the sake of those memories I'm going to treat this like a second chance. There's no way I'm going to waste it, no way! I've got some basic equipment together now, and based on my surroundings, I'm definitely planetside. That means if the Gateway Project was successful, then Santiago, Helena, Mei-Yin and the others are somewhere out there. All I have to do is find them. The voice mentioned something about help. If they're in trouble, then I hope they can hang on for a little longer. I'm on my way!


在我前进的时候,我不断地感觉到这些思维上的拉扯,就好像我正被引导向某个地方。 在正常的情况下,如果我开始信赖一个没有实体的声音的引导的话,我就会质疑我自己的精神是否还正常。但是考虑到近期发生的事情,我想我若是无视它,那我就是真的疯了。 我那诡异的看不见的恩人说话一直都很模糊。当我需要对付那些安保机器人并力求生存的时候,我只能靠我自己,但是这不是我应付不了的。 如果我有需要的话,这座城市能够提供许多隐蔽处和和用于侦查的绝佳地点,所以要摆脱那些无人机并不难。 但是我得承认,在做了那么多工作逃离空间站后,发现这个星球的情况并没有更好,这实在让人沮丧。你懂的,对吗?
I keep feeling these tugs on my mind as I travel, like I'm being led somewhere. Under normal circumstances I'd start to question my sanity for trusting the guidance of a disembodied voice, but considering recent events, I think I'd be even crazier to ignore it. My creepy, unseen benefactor's being pretty vague though. When it comes to dealing with these security drones and general survival, I'm on my own, but that's nothing I can't handle. This city's got tons of cover if I need it and good vantage points for scouting ahead, so shaking off any bogeys shouldn't be a problem. I've got to say though, after all that work we put into escaping that station, it's kind of a drag that the planet isn't any better off. Figures, right?


所以这座城市就是人类文明最终的命运吗?一堆摇摇欲坠、过于庞大的建筑,我们留下来的那些虫子们在到处乱爬?我想你不能说没有人警告过我们会发生这种事。 过去很多人都非常努力地想要阻止这种事情发生,其中包括我自己,结果世界末日还是发生了。我过去一直都认为我们自己能够阻止世界末日。我猜我只是对我们有信心,你明白吗?我是指,对人类有信心。 但是即使我知道事情最终会变成这样,我也不认为我会改变我的行事方式。事后后悔并不是我的风格。 而且,还有一些人类存活了下来。谁知道呢,也许有一天这些建筑里会再次人满为患,但是在那之前,我可以住在一个超大的公寓里面,还不用付房租。没必要住在太简陋的地方。
So this city's the ultimate fate of civilization, huh? A bunch of crumbling, overgrown buildings, crawling with all the insects we left behind? I guess you can't say no one warned us. A lot of people fought real hard to keep something like this from happening, myself included, and turns out the apocalypse showed up anyway. I always thought we'd stave it off myself. I guess I just believed in us, you know? Humanity, I mean. But even knowing it was going to end up like this, I don't think I'd do anything different. Regrets aren't my style. Besides, there's a few of us humans still kicking. Who knows, someday these buildings could be full again, but until then I get a spacious corner apartment rent free. Not too shabby.


他们就在这里,这点毫无疑问。这里到处都是泰克武器留下的灼烧痕迹,虽然我不能够确定这些痕迹具体是多久以前留下的,但是它们在草丛中烧出来的缺口表明这些痕迹不是很旧。 有些留下痕迹的机枪口径非常大,要比来复枪大出许多。别告诉我圣地亚哥造出了一台该死的坦克? 我猜我会很快弄明白的。我思维上感受到的拉扯正变得越来越有力。附近有什么东西,而那个声音想要我去看看。 不管那是什么,我最好小心接近。我现在的火力并不充足,而且我没有美那种驯服野兽的天赋,所以我现在是孤身一人。我可不能犯什么愚蠢的错误。
They were here, no doubt about that. There's scoring from TEK weapons all over, and while I can't pin down exactly how old they are, the gaps they burned in the foliage mean they're not ancient. The caliber on some of these are huge though, way bigger than a rifle. Don't tell me Santiago built a freaking tank? Guess I'll find out soon enough. The tugging on my mind is growing stronger. Something's nearby that the voice wants me to see. Whatever it is, I'd better take a careful approach. I'm not exactly brimming with firepower, and I don't have Mei's gift for taming animals, so I'm all alone here. Can't afford any dumb mistakes.


圣地亚哥,你的机甲真的是你最伟大的作品!即使它已经被打坏了,摔倒在一栋建筑上,它依然让人影响深刻,而且看起来你确保它一直战斗到了最后一刻。把它组装起来一定花了很多精力,就像我们第一次见面时我们制造泰克装甲那样。 在你做了那么多之后,让你就在这里一个人死去实在是不对。传送门项目让我们对未来充满了希望,是你让这个项目成为了可能。说实话,我不确定为什么那个声音能够复活我而不能复活你。这看起来不公平。 现在那个声音在我脑海中一遍又一遍地说“对不起”,所以它一定有尝试过。嗯,不要担心,神秘的、缥缈的——不管你是啥,一个奇迹就足够了。为了你和圣地亚哥,我会充分利用这次机会的。相信我。
You really outdid yourself with this mech, Santiago. Even busted up and slumped against a building, it's one impressive machine, and it looks like you made sure it went down swinging. Would've been a blast to put it through its paces together, like we did with that TEK armor when we first met. It's not right that you died here all alone, after everything you did. The Gateway Project gave us hope for the future, and you made it possible. Honestly I'm not sure why the voice would bring me back and not you too. It doesn't seem fair. Now said voice is saying "sorry" over and over again in my head, so it must have tried. Well don't worry, mysterious-ethereal-whatever-you-are, one miracle's enough. For both you and Santiago, I'll make it count. Bank on it.


我敲敲打打了好一阵子,但是只要再花一点功夫,我想我就能够让这个美人再次动起来。 而且,要熟悉这套控制系统不会花费太多时间。很明显,它们的设计是为了让任何都人能够进行最基础的操作,哪怕那个人接触模拟器的时间还没超过一个小时,但是这里还有好多高级的设置。 我很快就能够让它像一个五十吨的芭蕾舞演员那样翩翩起舞。这就足够让一个小女孩兴奋不已了。 圣地亚哥,如果你现在在这里的话,我真的想要亲你一口。你应得的绝对不只有我给你弄的这个坟墓,所以为了向你表达敬意,我会好好炫耀一下你最后的劳动结果的真正实力。希望你能看到。
It took a beating, but with a little more work, I think I can get this beauty running again. It won't take long to get used to the controls, either. They were clearly designed so that even someone without a single hour in a simulator could take the wheel on a more basic level, but there's a lot of advanced settings here too. I'll have it dancing like a fifty ton ballerina in no time. It's enough to make a girl giddy. Santiago, if you were here right now, I'd kiss you. You certainly deserve more than the grave I made for you, so I'll just have to pay my respects by showing off what your last brainchild can really do. Hope you're watching.


系统上线了,引擎在轰鸣。我的MEK机甲可以启动了,所以不管是谁弄坏了这台机甲,它们最好小心点。它们的报应来了。 我能够很好地使用泰克装甲和泰克枪,但是如果你真的想要看我展现全部实力的话,那就把我丢进一个驾驶舱里吧。 虽然我的专精是开战斗机,但是在URE军械库里所有载具的模拟系统中我都拿到了最高分。不管它是带轮子的,有翅膀的还是长了腿的,只要我能操控这类机器,就没有什么事情是不可能的。 好啦,神秘的声音,帮我定位好那个目标。支援正在赶来,而且相信我,我们将会如雷霆一般赶到。
Systems online and engines purring. My MEK is go for launch, so whatever did this better watch its ass. Payback's coming. I'm competent enough with TEK armor and a rifle, but if you really want to see me make magic happen, put me inside a cockpit. I might specialize in fighters, but I've aced all the simulations with just about every vehicle in the URE arsenal. It doesn't matter if it's got wheels, wings or legs, with a machine like this at my fingertips, there's no such thing as impossible. All right, mystery voice, keep that target locked for me. Reinforcements are en route, and you'd better believe we're bringing the thunder.


我赶到的时间正正好好。我跟随着着我思维上的那种拉扯,直到我撞见了一个巨大的行走的森林,它正压向一个孤零零的身影。我到现在都不太确定那到底是啥东西,但现在它只不过是世界上最大的蔬菜沙拉而已了。 至于那个幸存者,即使是在我看见她双眼中那迷人的风暴之前,我就已经知道那是谁了。还有谁能够在面对死亡时如此毫无畏惧?还有谁能够把我从那么远的地方召唤来?除了你,李美盈,还能有谁? 考虑到我可是死后又复活了一次,或许我应该说点更好听的,而不是“想我了吗,美人儿?”这种话。但是,嘿,我确定我没有听到她抱怨。
My timing couldn't have been better. I followed the tugs on my mind until I came across a colossal, walking forest bearing down on a lone figure. I'm still not entirely sure what that thing was, but all it is now is the world's biggest salad. As for the survivor, I knew who she was before I even saw the hypnotic tempest in those eyes. Who else stands so tall in the face of death? Who else could call me here from so far away? Who else but you, Li Mei-Yin? Considering I came all the way back from the dead, I probably should have had a better line in my back pocket than, "Miss me, beautiful?" But hey, I sure didn't hear her complaining.


比起我的复活,美盈能够坚持这么久是一个更加惊人的奇迹。等到她不那么兴奋了,她几乎是倒在了我的双臂中,就好像她的双腿再也不能支撑起她的重量了。 我还没有问到底发生了什么,但是从她的黑眼圈、身上的淤青和破损的MEK机甲来看,我能够明白她经历了地狱般的旅程。她一个人在外面到底经历了多少场战斗? 好吧,到此为止了。在她做了那么多之后,她需要好好休息一下。轮到我来守护她了。
That Mei held out for so long might be a bigger miracle than my second chance at life. When the elation wore off, she practically collapsed in my arms, as if her legs could no longer bear the weight she carried. I haven't asked what happened yet, but I can see the hell she dragged herself through in the rings beneath her eyes and the bruises on her body, not to mention her damaged MEK. Just how many battles has she fought out here all by herself? Well that ends today. After all she's done, she's earned her rest. It's my turn to take point.


当我们在修补美盈的MEK机甲时,她告诉了我过去都发生了什么事。看起来,她那来自另一个空间站上的朋友,海伦娜,为了阻挡那些大怪物而使用了某种神器后,就变得神志不清了。 简单来说,那个危险的举动让她陷入了昏迷,而她本人最后融化成了一束光。 换句话来说,她们深陷入了某种非常严重非常糟糕的事态中。当然,我可是最近刚刚被复活的,而且我还能在脑海中听到某个声音,所以对此我也不能说三道四。 发生在海伦娜身上的事情实在太糟糕了。我们相处得不错,即使我只和她相处了一小会,而她在那些洞穴中冒着生命危险帮助我们。不管她发生了什么事,我希望她能够安息。
Mei's been getting me caught up while we repair her MEK. Apparently her friend from the other station, Helena, became delirious after using some kind of artifact to fend off those big monsters. Long story short, that stunt put her in a coma, and she ended up dissolving into a beam of light. In other words, they were knee deep in some seriously trippy shit. Of course, I was recently resurrected and hear a voice in my head, so I can't exactly throw stones. It's too bad about Helena. We got along well, even if I only knew her for a short time, and she risked her life to help us back in those caves. Whatever happened to her, I hope she's at peace.


我必须要从我自己的机甲上卸掉一些部件用来维修才行,但是美的MEK机甲总算能够运作了。是时候出发了,如果能够信任这个神秘的声音的话。 如果你问美的话,我们就不应该相信它。在她和海伦娜经历了那么多事情之后,我明白她为什么会对于不可见的先知类的个体心怀戒备。但是是这个声音把我引向了她,我现在不能无视它了。 我或许不该叫它“那个声音”了。仔细想来,它实际上没有发出一点声音。它的话语就只是……出现了,就好像它们是由一个隐形的手写在我的脑海中的那样。那我该叫它什么?它有名字吗?或者也许……它曾经有一个名字? 奇怪。它好像不知道。
I needed to cannibalize some parts from my own machine to get it done, but Mei's MEK is back online. Time to move out, at least if this mystery voice can be trusted. If you ask Mei, it shouldn't be. After all she went through with Helena, I get why she'd be cautious when it comes to unseen, prophetic entities, but this is the same voice that led me back to her. I can't dismiss it now. I should probably stop calling it a voice though.Thinking about it, it doesn't really make a sound. Its words just...appear, like they were written in the back of my mind by an invisible hand. What should I use instead though? Does it have a name? Or maybe...did it used to? Weird. It doesn't seem to know.


我们现在已经一起旅行了好几天了,而美不会让我离开她的视线超过30秒。她的保护欲如此强烈,真是可爱,但是我们需要好好讨论一下,我们两人平时的关系和战斗时的关系是不一样的。 你看,尽管每一个优秀的驾驶员都需要罩着自己的副驾驶,但是他们也必须要相信副驾驶有能力照顾好自己。如果她一个劲地想要保护我,那么最终我们的MEK机甲只会被对方的脚绊倒。我想她开始明白这一点了。 但是她不喜欢我说“如果我死了,那就再复活一次”这类的玩笑话。给了我第二次生命的恩人也没觉得这有什么好笑的。很显然,它不确定它能够再让我复活一次。这对我而言没什么问题,这最后一条命就是我需要的一切了。
We've been travelling together for a couple days now, and Mei hasn't let me out of her sight for more than thirty seconds. While it's sweet that she's being so protective, we've had to talk a bit about separating our relationship in and out of combat. See, while any good pilot has to watch their wingman's six, they also have to trust their ability to handle themselves. If she's constantly trying to save me, our MEKs are going to end up stomping on each other's toes. I think she's starting to understand that. She didn't like my joke about getting another do over if I bit it again, though. My second coming's sponsor wasn't laughing either. Apparently, it's not sure it can replicate my revival. Fine by me, this last shot's all I need.


现在我们已经能够在战斗中互相配合了,因此不管这个地方有多危险我们都能应对。小菜一碟!但是那些大家伙,就像我之前击倒的那个行走的森林,或者是留下了这些行迹的东西,要打持久战的话,它们会是一个问题。 但是根据美盈告诉我的情况,以及我在这个玩具里发现的隐藏的系统来分析,看来圣地亚哥已经针对它们制造出了完美的应对手段。原本有四台这种MEK机甲,而它们的设计是能够合成一台巨大的超级武器的。 有了那种程度的火力,我们就能够把这些笨拙的泰坦们瞬间烧成灰,但是不幸的是,有两台MEK在战斗过程中被废弃了,太糟糕了,我应该会喜欢驾驶那东西的
Now that we're fighting in sync, we've been able to handle any threat this place has thrown our way. Piece of cake! Those big guys though, like the walking forest I took down or the ones who made these tracks, they might be trouble in a sustained fight. But based on what Mei's told me and the hidden systems I've discovered inside this puppy, Santiago had already built the perfect counter for them. Originally, there were four of these MEKs, and they were designed to fuse together into one giant, badass superweapon With firepower like that, we'd smoke those lumbering titans in an instant, but unfortunately two of the MEKs were abandoned in battle. Too bad, I'd have loved to take it for a spin.


我想我能够明白我们正被引导至何方。我还没能弄明白所有的细节,但是在地平线上矗立着一堆通讯矩阵。有可能是军用的,就像是一个指挥站,或是通讯中间主站。 不管是什么力量把我们一路把我们指引到这里,它让我和美盈重逢这一点就让它赢得了不少信任。但是现在我们的目的地触手可及,而我开始感到疑惑。 当我们到了那里之后,它想要我们做什么呢?是否有其他的幸存者,而我们可以用这些通讯矩阵和他们进行联络? 头一次,我的问题没有得到回答。也许我们应该自己找到答案……或许我们应该拉掉枪上的保险栓再进去。
I think I can see where we're being led. I can't make out all the details yet, but there's a bunch of communication arrays that stand out against the horizon. Could be military, like a command post or major communications relay. Whatever force is guiding us along bought itself a lot of trust by reuniting me with Mei-Yin, but now that our destination is within reach, I'm starting to get curious. What does it want us to do when we get there? Are there other survivors that we can contact with those arrays? For once, I'm not getting a response to my questions. Maybe we're supposed to find out for ourselves...or maybe we should go in there with safeties off.


从结构上来讲,这个建筑就是一个地堡。墙壁看起来很结实,能够承受几百万吨的力量,而且耐久性很好。光这一点就让我知道这里很重要,但是这还比不上我们在内部发现的那个平铺着的圆形控制中心。 成排的控制器从房间的中央倾泻出来,而墙上排列着巨大的屏幕。即使这里的所有东西都盖着厚厚的一层灰,我还是能够看见有光在闪动,有状态报告在滚动。 整个设施都还在运作,而且这就是我们所经历过的一切的核心——我们曾经居住的空间站都在这里被监控着! 我猜我知道我们现在在哪里了。最好开始干活了,有一大堆数据需要整理……
Structurally, this building's basically a bunker. The walls look durable enough to withstand a few dozen megatons of force, and they're built to last. That alone told me it was important, but it was nothing compared to the sprawling, circular control center we found inside. Rows of consoles cascade out from middle of the room, and the walls are lined with massive screens. While everything here's wearing a fine coat of dust, I see lights flashing and status reports flowing. This entire facility is still operational, and it's the heart of everything we've been through - the space stations we were on are all being monitored right here! Guess I know what we're here for now. Better roll up my sleeves, this is going to be a ton of data to sort through...


美说海伦娜管这些空间站叫“方舟”,而它们本应让这颗星球恢复生机。这与我在这里发现的东西相吻合,但是有一个问题。再播种协议,修复过程的最后一步,被一个叫做“能量元素毒性指标”的东西挡住了。 现在想来,在外面有一大堆能量元素矿脉,要比我记忆中的多出太多了。它一定已经在整个星球上散布开来了。根据这些读数来看,它甚至感染了地壳的下层。 在我亲眼目睹了原始的能量元素能够对活体造成什么影响后,我能够明白它为什么会成为一个麻烦。 看来方舟中有某种内置的装置,当它们落地后能够减少周边的能量元素毒性,但是现在的毒性指数太高了,超出了它们的能力范围。有什么东西在散布能量元素,并且保证它能够快速增长。外面的那些大怪物,它们就是那个问题——那些泰坦。
Mei says Helena called the space stations ARKs, and that they were meant to restore life to the planet. That's consistent with what I've found here, but there's a problem. The Reseed Protocol, the final step of the restoration process, is being blocked by what it calls "Element Toxicity Rating." Now that I think about it, there are a ton of Element veins out there, way more than I remember. It must have spread across the whole planet. Based on these readings, it even infected the lower layers of its crust. After witnessing what raw Element can do to a living thing first hand, I can see how that'd be a problem. It looks like the ARKs have some built in tech to reduce the ETR around them once they make landfall, but right now it's just too high for them to handle. Something's spreading it, and protecting it to boot. Those big monsters out there, they're the problem - the titans.


那些泰坦让我想到了格斗机器人。这个控制中心有在跟踪它们大致的移动模式,而在我看来,这几乎就像是军队的行动方式。 当它们决定要对某个东西发动群体攻击的时候,它们就会从各个地方汇集到一起,就好像有什么东西在指挥着它们。更不要说它们会在所到之处散播能量元素了。所以从根本上来讲,在启动再播种协议之前,必须先清除掉那些泰坦。 正常情况下,我对这种不可能完成的任务会非常狂热的,但是要我们处理掉的泰坦的数量实在太多了。 如果要我自己说的话,美和我也许是一个强大的杀手组合,但是在我们能够减少它们的数量哪怕只有一点点之前,我们两个可能就会先变成老太太。 一定有什么是我们可以做的。我倒是找到了很多关于一个叫做“初始Arat”的地方的资料,它在这个星球的另一端。 看起来有点希望,但是……现在它看起来不是那么有意思。我们友好的神秘朋友似乎也这么认为。它是不是在把我们引导到那个地方去?
These titans remind me of combat drones. This control center has tracked their general migration patterns, and to my eye, they're almost like troop movements. When they decide to swarm something, they come from all over, like something's commanding them. Not to mention they spread Element everywhere they go. So basically, before the Reseed Protocol can be triggered, the titans need to be eliminated. Normally I'd be all gung ho about an impossible mission like that, but the number of titans we'd have to take down is nuts. Mei and I might be a killer power couple, if I do say so myself, but even we'd die of old age before we ever made a dent in the their population. There must be something we can do though. I did find lots of references to a place called "Arat Prime," off on the other side of the planet. Looks promising, but...well now isn't that interesting. Our favorite mystery being seems to think so too. Is that where it's leading us?


既然我们知道了这个无名的导游到底想要我们做什么,美和我关于接下来要怎么做讨论了很久。 从一方面来讲,在经历了那么多磨难后,就此安居下来然后一起享受世界末日这个主意非常诱人。但是从另一方面来讲,我需要为我的复活做出回报,而且不让地球就此死去看起来也非常重要。毕竟,我就住在这里。 我到底在骗谁呢?我永远都会选择更危险的那个选项。至于美盈,我猜这两天她也能够确实地听到那个向导的声音了,而且令人惊奇的是,她轻易地相信了它。她说她信任它的说话方式,就好像她很熟悉它。 我们这么做一定是疯了,但是,嘿,至少我们是一起疯了。
Now that we know what this faceless tour guide in the sky actually wants from us, Mei and I had a long talk about next steps. On the one hand, after going through the ringer, it's awfully tempting to settle down and just enjoy the apocalypse together. On the other hand, I've got a resurrection to repay, and keeping Earth from dying seems kind of important. I do live here, after all. Who am I kidding? I was always voting for the dangerous option. As for Mei-Yin, I guess she's actually been hearing said guide herself these days, and amazingly that's all the convincing it took. She says she trusts the way it speaks, almost like it's familiar to her. We must be out of our freaking minds to do this, but hey, at least we're going mad together.


事情的进展有所变化,我们改变了行进路线——朝着我们发现的那个大得离谱的蜥蜴相反的方向。 其他的泰坦已经够大了,但是和这家伙比起来它们就是小不点,而且根据美盈的说法,他的攻势非常凶猛。 她当然知道,因为她之前就和他打过——那时候他杀了我其他所有的朋友。虽然这意味着我需要和他好好算一账,但是这同时还意味着我们的火力完全不够。 不走运的是,就算我们改变了行进路线,他依然在跟着我们,就好像他能闻到我们的气味一样。 他距我们还有一到两天的距离,但是最终他还是会追上来。到那时,我们就需要一个逃跑计划,因为我们不能有效地提升火力……等一下。也许我们能够做到……
Things have taken a bit of a turn, or rather we've taken one - in the exact opposite direction of that absurdly huge lizard we spotted. As big as those other titans are, they're puny compared to this guy, and according to Mei-Yin, he packs a punch to match. She would know, she fought it before - when it killed all my other friends. While that means I owe him some retribution, it also means we're seriously outgunned. Unfortunately, he keeps following us even when we change course, like he's got our scent. He's still a day or two behind us, but eventually he'll catch up. When he does, we need to have an escape plan, because barring a serious upgrade in firepower...wait. Maybe we have that after all...


这是一场孤注一掷的赌博。如果我们不能修好那两架在上次泰坦之王出来遛弯时被弄坏的MEK机甲的话,那么我们就只能和其他人一样死翘翘了。 但是如果我们能够设法修好它们并让它们运作起来的话,那么我们就能够让它们合体并组装成圣地亚哥的超级武器! 虽然这些MEK都有些损坏,而且我们只有两个驾驶员,导致它并不能发挥出全力,但是我们很走运,我是整个该死的URE中最优秀的驾驶员。只要引擎还在运转,枪里面还有子弹,我就能够给我们一线生机。 好啦,休息时间结束了。从现在开始,我们要全速赶往那个战场。
This is an all or nothing gamble. If we can't repair the two MEKs that got left behind the last time this King of the Titans came out to play, then we're just going to die where everyone else did. But if we can get them up and running somehow, then we can fuse all four of them and form Santiago's super weapon! With the damage these MEKs have sustained and only two pilots, it won't be at full capacity, but lucky for us I'm the top ace in the whole damn URE. As long the engine's running and the guns are loaded, I can give us a chance. Okay, break's over. From here on, we're heading towards that battlefield at full burn.


自从我们出发后,我就一直在做心理准备,但是见到腐烂的尸体和破碎的设备还是让我难以接受。这里的每个人我都认识了好几年了,他们基本上就是我的新家庭成员。把和马从他的MEK机甲下拖出来时,我再也控制不住我的眼泪了。 但是我现在还不能陷入悲痛中。没有时间了,而且我不想给美盈更多的理由自责。会发生这种事并不是她的错,她做出了正确的决定。 如果她当初选择以死相搏,而不是一有机会就逃跑的话,我们现在就没有机会复仇了。所以现在我们得暂时地掩藏内心的情绪,集中注意力。 见鬼。当我把这一切写下来的时候,这听起来真是简单……
I'd been bracing myself for this ever since we set out, but the sight of decaying corpses and shattered equipment was still hard to take. I knew everyone here for years, they were basically my new family. Pulling Kazuma out from beneath his MEK just about triggered the water works. I can't mourn just yet though. There's no time, and I don't want to give Mei any more reasons to blame herself. What happened wasn't her fault, she made the right call. If she'd thrown her life away instead of escaping when she had the chance, we wouldn't have a shot at payback at all. So for now, we've got to put the blinders on and keep each other focused Shit. It sounds so easy when I write it down...


太好了!真他妈的的太好了!它们真的开始运转了!虽然修理了一番后它们还是破破烂烂的,但是两台废弃的MEK机甲都还能工作。现在我们只要把所有的四台合到一起就行了。 而且我们时间充裕。我们的贵客还在很远处。他正慢悠悠地朝我们晃过来,就好像我们注定会被他一脚踢死。好呀,你猜会如何,混蛋?这里唯一会被踢飞的就是你那个丑陋的脑袋。 天啊,光是这么想一下,我的血液就沸腾起来了,不过我最好克制一下。等那家伙到了这里,我就会需要我身上的每一点肾上腺素了。
Yes! Hell yeah! They actually started! They're still pretty banged up, even with the repairs, but both of the abandoned MEKs are operational. Now we've just got to fuse all four of them together. We've got time to spare too. Our guest of honor is still a ways off. He's slowly lumbering towards us, like it's inevitable that we're going to roll over and die for him. Well guess what, asshole? The only thing that's gonna roll here is that nasty looking head of yours. Man, my blood is pumping just thinking about it, but I'd better rein it in. When that thing gets here, I'm going to need every ounce of adrenaline I've got.


圣地亚哥,你这个疯狂的小天才,我又欠你一个吻。这个宝贝真漂亮!我从没有见过这样的武器。四台MEK机甲完全融合到了一起,就好像它们从没有分开过一样,而且像这样把能源汇聚到一起,力神机甲的威力简直爆表了。 即使它现在只能以70%的功率运转,它应该还是能够击败那个泰坦的。那把剑看起来就好像能够把摩天大楼劈成两半,而且它的防御系统能够承受巨大打击。 唯一麻烦的地方是,它需要四个驾驶员,而我们只有两个人。好消息是,其中的一个驾驶员就是我。
Santiago, you crazy little genius, I owe you another kiss. This baby's beautiful! I've never seen a weapon like it. The MEKs fused so completely that it's as if they were never separated at all, and the power this combined, MegaMEK is packing is off the charts. Even though it's only at 70% capacity, it should still be enough to take that titan down. That sword looks like it could cut a skyscraper in half, and its defensive systems can take a serious beating. The only tricky part is the fact that it needs four pilots, and we only have two. The good news? One of those pilots is me.


好啦,完工了。我成功地把双腿、头部和左臂调的控制权调到了我手上。美要比我更擅长近身战,所以她还是负责操控持剑的那个手臂,但是要让她多操控任何东西的话,她就会被复杂的信息和技术弄晕的。 换句话来说,当我们开始战斗后,我将会负责控制力神机甲 75%的系统。这将给精神和肉体上造成巨大负担,但是我已经准备好接受挑战了。 就像我之前说过的那样,现在轮到我承受这个负担了,而且现在我可是如鱼得水。如果有人能够胜任这个任务的话,那个人就是我。而且我们也没有时间制定其他的计划了——那个泰坦快要到这里了。 好了,你这个丑陋的狗崽子,来吧!
Okay, it's done. I've managed to slave the legs, head and left arm to my controls. Mei's better than me at hand-to-hand, so she'll still pilot the sword arm, but anything more than that would overwhelm her with information and technological complexity. In other words, when we enter combat, I'm going to assume control of 75% of the MegaMEK's systems. It'll be a mental and physical strain, but I'm prepared to take it. Like I said, it's my turn to carry the load, and I'm in my wheelhouse here. If there's anyone who can handle this, it's me. Not like there's time for another plan anyway - the titan's almost here. All right you ugly son of a bitch, let's go!


那个泰坦最初的攻势相当猛烈,但是我们维持着防御,挡下了它的攻击。如此强大的生物应该已经习惯了速战速决,所以我们知道,如果我们能够挡住它一开始的攻击的话,它肯定会有所犹豫的。 等到他开始犹豫时,我们就开始反击了。从那一刻开始就是我们在进行激烈地进攻。我们的每一击感觉就好像能够击碎我们脚下的地面,直到我们在它的腹部打出了致命一击。 我们击中它时,它胡乱抽打着并发出了嘶吼声,我认为它不曾受过如此严重的伤。所以,最后,这一击就足够让它退回去照料我们在它胸口刻上的那个巨大的血淋淋的X了。 吃我们这一下,混蛋!然后再也不要回来了!
The titan's initial assault was intense, but we fended it off by staying on the defensive. Something that powerful would be used to winning quickly, so we knew that if we could weather that first storm, it was sure to hesitate. When that moment came, we turned up the heat. From there on it was a high octane slug-fest. Our clashes felt like they might shatter the ground beneath us, until we finally landed a critical blow to its torso. Based on the way it flailed and hissed when we struck, I don't think it had ever been wounded so badly. So in the end, that was enough to send it packing, nursing the giant, bloody X that we carved into its chest. Take that, asshole! And don't come back!


希望这是我们最后一次见到那个泰坦,因为尽管一劳永逸地把他解决掉后所带来的复仇的快感会更加甜蜜,但是要再这样和他打一次就是在考验我们的运气。 当我从驾驶舱里出来的时候,我的鼻子流着血,而且几个小时后,我还是站不稳。绝对要把“同时操控三台MEK机甲打一场持久战”这一条写入“禁止在家尝试”的单子里,而同时操控四台可能会让人立刻患上动脉瘤。 而且最要命的是,我们的力神机甲现在基本上是用口香糖和梦想粘在一起的。当它全功率运行而且有四名驾驶员的时候,它或许能够杀死那个巨大的混蛋,但是我们两个条件都不满足。 所以说到底,我们已经尽力了。我想我在大获全胜后需要好好睡一觉……
Hopefully that's the last we see of that titan, because as sweet as some more permanent revenge would be, fighting it a second time might be pushing our luck. By the time I exited the cockpit, my nose was bleeding, and hours later I'm still wobbly on my feet. Controlling three MEKs at once in a sustained combat scenario should definitely be filed under "don't try this at home," and trying to pilot all four is probably a fast track to an aneurysm. On top of that, our MegaMEK is basically held together by bubble gum and dreams at this point. At full power and with four pilots, it might be able to kill that big bastard, but we're lacking on both fronts. So all told, we did as well as we could have hoped. Think I deserve a victory nap...


几个小时前,我们终于标记好了最后的一个坟墓。要说再见真的好难,但是我最近才刚死过一次,所以我知道坐在这里哭上一个礼拜都帮不了他们。希望他们能够在那片虚无中找到安宁,或者是更好的东西。 现在只有我、美盈以及前方的漫漫长路了。嗯,当然还有那个一直引导着我们的不知名的东西。我已经开始感觉到把我拉向初始Arat的那股力量了。 我不确定那里会有什么在等待着我们,但是有美盈在我的身边,在我们的面前是一个危险的任务,而我只要放松心情,享受这场旅途。虽然我这么说会被当做是神经病,但是这种生活?这就是我想要的。
We finished marking the last of the graves a few hours ago. It was hard to say goodbye, but having recently died myself, I know that sitting here and crying my eyes out for a week straight won't help them. Hopefully they find peace within that void, or something better beyond it. Now it's just me, Mei-Yin and the long road ahead. Well, and the faceless presence that's guiding us down that road of course. I've already started to feel the tugs pulling me towards Arat Prime. Not sure what's waiting for us there, but with Mei by my side and a dangerous mission in front of us, I'm just going to relax and enjoy the ride. I can admit that I'm certifiable for saying so, but this kind of life? It's just my speed.


任务日志:戴安娜·阿尔塔拉斯中尉,隶属URE第82飞行中队,以及来自夷陵的李美盈,丛林、深渊和荒野的兽林女王。 如果你读到了这份日志,那么你已经成功地逃离了方舟,就像我们一样。所以,欢迎来到地球,孩子。希望你喜欢这个饱受摧残的地狱,因为,坏消息,世界毁灭了而你来迟了。好消息是,你能够改变这一切。 我们两人将会尽我们所能提供帮助,但是这还不够。你看到外面那些巨大丑陋的怪物了吗?你需要把它们清理干净,不然地球就不能复原。还有,如果你看到一个胸口有X形伤疤的家伙,帮我个忙,在你解决掉它之前给踹它一脚。 我们会尽到我们的责任。剩下的就交给你了。祝你好运。
Mission Log: First Lieutenant Diana Altaras, URE 82nd Fighter Squadron, and Li Mei-Yin of Yi, Beast Queen of the Jungle, the Depths and the Wastes If you're reading this, then like us, then you managed to break free of the ARKs. So welcome to Earth, kid. Hope you like ravaged hellscapes, because the bad news is you’re late to the apocalypse. The good news is you can do something about it. The two of us are going to do what we can to help, but it won't be enough. You see those huge, ugly monsters out there? They need to be cleared out, or Earth can't recover. Also, if you see one with an X shaped scar on its chest, do me a favor and flip it off before you finish it. We'll do our part. The rest is up to you. Good luck.

中文翻译资料源:国人自制汉化补丁作者结缘于地。 英文资料源Wiki:https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Explorer_Notes#Helena_Walker