
在野外,杂食麝足兽是一种既懒散又懦弱的生物,通常出没在岛屿的森林中。它们一般喜欢栖息在西部的高大红杉林中。 它靠着复杂多样的饮食习惯与不好战的性格得以幸存在岛上。它几乎能吃任何能被称之为食物的东西,所以它从不会被饿死。只因为经常成为被狩猎对象,最轻微的挑衅也会把它们吓跑。
麝足兽这个物种最有趣的特点是它们的饮食习惯可以通过训练改变。凭借多用途的胃口和牙齿,麝足兽可以被训练成独一无二的采食工具:人们可以训练它咬下指定的东西,增加他们所需要物品的收集率。 比如说,我们训练一头麝足兽咬下一块优质生肉,麝足兽就能熟能生巧地在尸体上收集优质生肉。这种能力也可以收集稀有植物材料或者其他资源 但是别指望麝足兽保护你!即使是你把它驯化的再怎么服服帖帖忠贞不渝,附近有敌人的时候它们还是会逃之夭夭。不管你喂它吃的有多好,训练的有多强大或者跟它有多么深厚的情感,麝足兽总会变回它们固有的胆小天性! 缺乏斗性有可能会让大多数幸存者不愿意使用我们的这位小伙伴,但是骑着麝足兽利用其多样的能力绝对能让你的收获不同寻常。
Common name: Moschops
Species: Moschops cibumutante
Time: Mid Permian
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Cowardly
Moschops Cibumutante in the wild is a lazy, cowardly creature that typically lives in the Island's forests, primarily making its home among the great redwoods of the western regions. It survives by being extremely flexible in its eating habits and completely averse to fighting. It never starves, since it can eat just about anything. It runs at the slightest provocation but is still often preyed upon.
What makes Moschops particularly interesting is what it can be trained to do with its eating habits. With a versatile palate and tough teeth, Moschops can be tamed for a unique ability: over time it can be accurately taught exactly which things to gnaw, increasing the likelihood of harvesting the specific resource its master desires. For example, teach it to prioritize chewing Prime Meat, and Prime Meat will be easier to harvest from the flesh it consumes. Likewise for rare plants materials, and so forth! Just don't expect Moschops to protect you, though! Even after taming, it will quickly flee when enemies are nearby. Regardless of being fed well, increasing its strength, or how much affection, you shower on it, Moschops retains its inherent cowardly nature! Its lack of combat might deter the use of this companion but the ability to ride Moschops while making use of its diverse harvesting is a rare treat.


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