
伤齿龙也许是岛上除人类外最聪明的生物了,它学习速度难以置信地快。它可以比其他生物(包括人类)更快地获得有意义的经验,并且它的社交天性还让它可以教导同伴,使它们也变得更聪明! 如果说伤齿龙的聪慧还不足以使它变得可怕,那么它的战术和生物特性应该能确保这一点。它喜欢在我们最脆弱的夜晚成群狩猎,并把人类当做自己的主要猎物。 这种大胆举动尤其危险,因为伤齿龙的锯状牙齿上的毒液可以吸干任何生物身上的耐力并直接使人类麻痹。 万幸的是,伤齿龙相当小。如果伤齿龙再大一点的话,它也许会变成这个生态系统中的支配生物。
我一开始以为伤齿龙无法被驯化直到我最终看到一位独行者带着它。她告诉我她让“小伤”猎杀一些部落的小型生物作为锻炼,然后它最终就开始跟随她了。 看样子虽然伤齿龙太聪明了以致于无法生搬硬套“麻醉-喂食”的方法,但你可以通过提供它猎食的机会来逐渐获得它的忠诚。 从那以后,我对一群极其聪明,为战斗而生的伤齿龙给那些勇敢地赢得这种聪明的食肉动物信任的部落带来的利益而惊叹。
Common name:
Species: Troodon magnanimus
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Aggressive during night, cautious during day
Quite possibly the most intelligent non-human creature on the Island, Troodon magnanimus is an incredibly fast learner. It understands meaningful experiences much faster than other creatures (including humans), and its social nature means it also teaches its packmates, making them smarter too! If Troodon's cleverness didn't make it formidable, then its tactics and biology would. It specifically pack-hunts at night when we are most vulnerable, and sees humans as its primary prey. This audacity is made especially dangerous due to its serrated fangs' poison, which drains stamina from any creature, but outright paralyses humans. Thankfully, Troodon is fairly small. Were it larger, it might well have become the dominant creature of its ecosystem.
I thought Troodon simply could not be tamed, until I finally saw a lone survivor with one. She told me that she let "Troody" hunt a few of her tribe's smaller creatures for sport, and it eventually started following her everywhere. It seems that while Troodon is too intelligent to fall for the rote conditioning of "tranq-and-feed," it can instead gradually gain loyalty from a social approach that provides it with the opportunity to hunt. Ever since, I have wondered at the benefits which a pack of ultra-smart, bred-for-battle Troodon may bring to a tribe brave enough to earn the favor of these clever carnivores.


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