

序号 图片 材料 预估数量
1 卓越饲料(黄)
2 生羊肉
3 生优质肉
4 生优质鱼肉
5 熟羊肉
6 熟优质肉
7 熟优质鱼肉
8 生肉
9 熟肉
10 生鱼肉
11 熟鱼肉


野生:近距离观察,脊颌翼龙很容易被它鼻子上的冠状物识别,不过它的翼展长达27英尺,你一定能很容易发现它。 它那巨大的翅膀不仅是在海洋上空捕获气流的理想选择,还可以通过在其他飞行生物身后飞行来获得尾流,虽然脊颌翼龙不是岛上最快的飞行生物,但它那非凡的耐力很适合长途飞行。 因为它经常在高空盘旋,所以最好使用另一只大鸟困住它,我注意到更多聪明的部落成员在空中用流星锁链击落它。
一旦驯服,脊颌翼龙不仅是交通工具,它有许多实用点,例如,它的齿状喙可以将许多常见的物品嚼碎成基本材料哦(活体分解机来啦)这是回收物品的资源的好方法!好吧,只要你有一块抹布可以擦掉口水..... 它的咬伤足以使盔甲随着时间的推移而磨损和破裂,它也能在地面上刮起一阵风吹走动植物。不过,空对地作战才是这种生物真正发光的地方。有了正确的工具,一些生存者成功的为它们装备了鞍载高射炮和喷气式推进器,以获得最大的杀伤力。 相信我。除非你也骑着一只喷气式翼龙进行缠斗,否则你是活不下去的,赶紧武装起来,你随时可以做我的僚机!

Common name: Tropeognathus
Species: Tropeognathus mesembrinus
Time: Cretaceous
Diet: Piscivore
Temperament: Neutral
Up close, Tropeognathus mesembrinus is easily recognized by the keeled crests on its snout, but with wingspans of up to twenty-seven feet, you’re sure to spot it before then. These large wings are not only ideal for catching air currents over its ocean hunting grounds, but they also let Tropeognathus draft off of other flying creatures by flying behind them. While not the fastest flyer on the Isles, when combined with its remarkable stamina, this makes Tropeognathus well suited for long distance flight. Because it’s on the wing so much, Tropeognathus is best snared by those riding another flier. I've noticed the more clever tribespeople using chain bolas to capture them while airborne.
Once tamed, Tropeognathus has proven quite useful to the people of the Isles beyond mere transportation. For example, its toothed beak can grind down many common goods to their base components, which is a great way to recycle items and gear! Well, so long as you have a rag handy to wipe off the spit... That bite is punishing enough to crack armor and grind through it over time, and Tropeognathus can blow away flora and fauna alike with a gust from its wings. Air-to-air combat is where this creature really shines, though. And with the right tools, some survivors have managed to fit them with a saddle-mounted flak cannon and jet engine for maximum lethality. Trust me, you haven't lived until you've ridden a jet-powered pterosaur into a dogfight. Saddle one up and see for yourself - you can be my wingman anytime!


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