
技术手册 9-978
型号:RX-103 MEK
OZ-13NV 型特种军刀:设计为主要武器,以更好地适应我们的机甲驾驶员的技能。更多的是用于割而不是刺,非常适合组合攻击。
XBR-M-93R 型等离子手枪:三连发的辅助武器。 MS-06BR 型助推器:安装在机甲的脚上。激活后,他们可以让机甲悬停在空中,并在短距离内快速移动,与远程攻击相结合能获得最大的效果。
G-01W 型攻城加农炮模块:一种安装在机甲背部的高能火炮。为了处理后坐力,使用该模块时机甲必须暂时将自己固定在地面上,使其在射击时无法移动。
G-02H 型火箭发射器模块:一个超大的导弹发射组,以16发弹幕齐射的方式进行发射,然后散开并汇聚在机甲指定的目标上。对大型的孤立目标尤其有效。
G-01S 型可部署盾牌模块:部署一个圆顶形的能量屏障,保护部队免受来袭的远程攻击,同时提高其速度。适合团队或近战机甲驾驶员使用。
Technical Manual 9-978
Name: MEK
Model Number: RX-103 MEK
Height: 10.5 meters
Weight: 48.3 tons
Fuel: Element
Standard Equipment
OZ-13NV TEK Saber: Designed as the primary weapon, to better suit the skills of our top pilot candidates. Built more for cuts than stabs. Ideal for attacking in combinations.
XBR-M-93R Plasma Pistol: Secondary weapon. Fires in three shot bursts. MS-06BR Boosters: Installed he unit's feet. On activation, they let the unit hover in the air and move rapidly over short distances. Combine with ranged attacks for maximum effectiveness.
Heat Gauge: Pilots should always monitor their unit's heat levels. Overheating will result in your unit being slow, vulnerable and soon after that? Scrap.
Custom Equipment
Each RX-103-MEK has one has a module slot for a specially designed weapon or tool that can be swapped out with ease. These are...
G-01W Mek Siege Cannon Module: A high yield artillery cannon mounted on the unit's back. To handle the recoil, the unit must temporarily anchor itself to the ground, rendering it imobile while firing.
G-02H Mek Rocket Launcher Module: An oversized missile battery that fires in sixteen round salvos, which spread out and then converge on the units target. Especially effective against large, isolated targets.
G-01S Mek Deployable Shield Module: Deploys a dome shaped energy barrier that protects the unit from incoming ranged attacks, while boosting its speed. Good for team or melee oriented pilots.


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