
结晶旱地树懒整日都在它赖以为生的密林中觅食,作为一个温和的巨人,它从来只顾及眼前的利益。 旱地树懒对一切潜在的食物都来者不拒,并且它还能将垃圾食物变废为宝,转化为十分宝贵的资源,这一切都要归功于它特殊的消化系统。 由于结晶旱地树懒能够通过某种方式转化它吃下的材料,并转换成完全不同的东西,因此它的身体不但不会产生排泄物,而且能将排泄物通过背部转化成各种闪闪发光的晶体。 一旦这些晶体堆积到一定程度便会脱落,而粉碎这些晶体又可制成十分宝贵的资源。 我认识一位自小在日本长大的飞行员,他认为这个过程很像是日式扭蛋机的运作原理,所以我觉得“嘎查”这个诨名取得挺得体的。
尽管它背部的结晶体过于庞大,没办法安装传统的鞍,但是骑手们仍然发明了一种挂在它脖子上的吊篮。 如果你愿意像婴儿一样坐在硕大的吊篮里,你就会发现旱地树懒的巨爪十分适合开采资源。我个人建议大家无论何时都应该保留至少一个结晶体。它们在夜晚发光的方式会是很好的馈赠……完全值得你呆在那令人难受的吊篮里边。
Common name: Gacha
Species: Macrodryadis crystallinus
Time: Post-Holocene
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Docile
A gentle giant, Macrodryadis crystallinus spends its days foraging for food in the dense forest it calls home, though it rarely has to look very far. Thanks to its extraordinary digestive system, not only can Macrodryadis eat just about anything, but it can also turn a diet of scraps into a mountain of precious resources. Instead of producing excrement, Macrodryadis grows glittering crystals upon its back, which fall off when they reach their full size. Shattering these crystals can yield precious resources, as Macrodryadis is somehow able to transmute the materials it eats into something entirely different. One of our pilots likened the process to the gachapon machines from his memories of growing up in Japan, and I guess the name stuck.
Though its crystals prevent Macrodryadis from wearing a traditional saddle, if its rider is willing to sit in a basket that hangs from Macrodryadis' neck, then they'll find its long claws are well suited for mining resources. Personally though, I'd keep one around just for the crystals. The free presents, the way they glow at night...totally worth the potential nausea from the basket saddle.


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